雅思最让人困扰的就是口语了,很多人都会因为不知道该怎么准确的表达出自己的意思而苦恼,而好不容易说了句话,很可能也会因为太过简单,或者不符合英语用语习惯而得不到高分,这种时候平常的积累就非常需要了,小编这次为大家收集了涵盖各个方面的口语常用句型,快点背起来吧! 1. I've joined a club where I can play chess. (become a member of a club) 2. I live in a one-parent family / single-parent family. (a family where the children live with only one parent) 3. I really enjoy my family life. (the way a familiy lives) 4. I come from a big family of eight children. (the group of people who are related to you) 5. I grew up knowing that my elder brother would take over the family business one day. (the job your parents and probably your grandparents used to do) 6. I like photography. (the skill or process of taking photographs) 7. I'm mad about DIY. I think this is a very good hobby for people who have a house but don't have much money. (do it yourself; the activity of making and repairing things yourself around your home) 8. I took up golf when I was at school. (to start a hobby for the first time) 9. A lot of people / homeless sleep rough / live rough in cardboard boxes. (you sleep outside because you have no home) 10. The families were evicted for not paying the rent. (to force a person to leave the building or land where they live) 11. We're moving house next week. (you go and live in another house) 12. I usually go jogging two or three times a week. (run slow y, especially as a form of exercise) 13.I am sweating like a pig, and I'm not doing anything. 14.Let's stay at home; you could fry eggs on the sidewalk. 15. In winter, I do quite a lot of skiing. (in English you normally do a lot of / a bit of sport) 16. In summer, I play tennis and cricket. (in English you normally play a game) 以上就是这次的内容了,是不是非常丰富呢?大家可要好好的将它们背下来,英语学习重在积累,平常的认真积累一定会在关键时候发挥大作用的。 |