外媒:大V女星秀身材有新招 微博风靡晒A4腰
Chinese girls and young women are being pressured by a bizarre social media fad into proving that their diet-toned midriffs are no wider than a piece of A4 paper. 中国的年轻女性受到社交媒体奇葩潮流的驱使,正纷纷(晒图)证明自己腰腹的宽度不超过一张A4纸。 The trend has seen participants trying to demonstrate their waists are equal to or narrower than the width of the average printer paper, according to People's Daily Online. 根据人民日报网的报道,目前这股风潮是:参与者试图证明她们的腰部和一张普通打印纸差不多宽或者更窄。 Girls have been showing their skinny credentials by tucking a piece of paper down the back of their jeans in portrait rotation, and posting the worrying results on the internet. 少女们把一张纸纵向压在她们的牛仔裤后面,来作为展示身材的凭证,之后她们还会把这一结果发到网上。 Tens of thousands of people have joined the conversation on Weibo, China's equivalent of Twitter, and sharing their results. 在微博上(相当于中国的推特),成千上万的人加入到这个话题,分享他们的成果。 Social media users were unrelenting in their derision of the whole concept, with user xiao11211614 writing on Weibo: 'I’m a size smaller than A4. I’m A3.' 有的用户还对A4腰的整个概念进行了赤裸裸的嘲笑,微博名为xiao11211614的用户就是这样,他在微博上写着:“我的身材比A4纸要小,我的是A3。” Others were equally quick to make fun of the trend by saying that they too have A4 waists, when the paper is held horizontally. 还有其他人也拿这种潮流寻开心,说他们也有A4腰,不过他们是把纸张横着放的。 Meanwhile on Twitter, John Disereits wrote: 'So are they insinuating smaller is better? Not cool to offend the girls who don't measure up in this manner.' 同时在推特上,John Disereits写道:“所以他们是在暗示越小越好吗?这对那些无法用这种方式测量的女孩可是冒犯哦。” The pursuit of perfect abs seems to have become something of an obsession online in China, with 'The Most Beautiful Firm Abs' currently standing as the third most searched topic on Weibo. 在中国,对完美腰身的追求似乎早已风靡网络,“最美腰身”现在占据了微博上热搜的第三位。 这次#我有A4腰#的活动除了普通网民之外,还有很多演艺明星与大V也参与进来了,尤其是一众女神纷纷亮出了自己的小蛮腰,比如戚薇、袁姗姗、王丽坤等知名女星都分享了自己的照片。 不过还有很多人吐槽起了这次晒腰的跟风行为,认为这些活动都是要求秀出女生的身材,他们认为也应该制定一些男生身材标准。 |