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原来20多岁外表下藏着一个衰老的你 也是累


Signs You're An Old Person Disguised In A 20-Something Year-Old's Body


For years you've wondered why you could never fully relate to other people your age. What about hookup culture is appealing? Why are girls showing their midriff in the winter? How are the horrendous things they play on the radio considered "good" music? At times, you probably even refer to Millennials as if you're not apart of the demographic yourself. The reason? You're an old soul stuck in a twenty-something year-old's body. Here are some signs:


1. You'd rather spend the night in your bed than out with your friends.

1. 你更愿意呆在床上度过夜晚而不是和朋友出去浪。

原来20多岁外表下藏着一个衰老的你 也是累

2. Baking brings you great joy.

2. 烘焙给你带来莫大的乐趣。

3. You've secretly always wanted to join a knitting class.

3. 你总是偷偷摸摸地想去参加编织课程。

原来20多岁外表下藏着一个衰老的你 也是累

4. You enjoy walking for leisure.

4. 你喜欢把散步当做消遣。

原来20多岁外表下藏着一个衰老的你 也是累

5. You complete newspaper crossword puzzles everyday on your morning commute.

5. 在早上的通勤路上,你会完成报纸上的填字游戏。

原来20多岁外表下藏着一个衰老的你 也是累

6. You refuse to text in acronyms.

6. 你拒绝用缩写的形式写信息。

7. You’re always in some sort of pain for no apparent reason.

7. 你总是莫名其妙地陷入某种疼痛之中。

原来20多岁外表下藏着一个衰老的你 也是累

8. Your knees crack when sitting down, standing up, walking up the stairs, walking down the stairs…

8. 你的膝盖会在坐下的时候、站起来的时候、上楼梯还有下楼梯的时候咯吱咯吱响……

原来20多岁外表下藏着一个衰老的你 也是累

9. You frequently mishear the things that people say.

9. 你经常听错别人说的事情。

原来20多岁外表下藏着一个衰老的你 也是累

10. You think housework is therapeutic.

10. 你认为家务活是有益于健康的。

11. If you do go out, 12AM is your designated "time to call an Uber home" time.

11. 如果你外出的话,12点是你自己指定必须要打车回家的时间。

原来20多岁外表下藏着一个衰老的你 也是累

12. You need naps to function correctly.

12. 你需要小睡一下才能正常工作。

原来20多岁外表下藏着一个衰老的你 也是累

13. You ask for practical gifts on Christmas.

13. 你想要实用的圣诞节礼物。
