These mesmerising photos taken from a dizzying height show Dubai's glittering skyscrapers, including the tallest building in the world, looking heavenly above a blanket of fog. 以下这些高空拍摄的照片让我们得以窥见迪拜光芒璀璨的摩天大楼,其中就包括了全世界最高的建筑,笼罩在雾中,神圣无比。 Photographer Sebastian Tontsch, 27, snapped the images from as high as the 90th floor of a skyscraper - with some towers looking like they're floating in the sky. 摄影师名叫塞巴斯蒂安·托驰,27岁,他从90层的高楼上捕捉到了这番景观,一些高楼看起来就像是飘在空中那样。 The desert city's skyline is transformed a handful of times a year as it is enveloped by fog, and the serene scene is usually followed by a stunning sunrise. 由于被大雾包裹着,这座沙漠之城的天际线在一年里会经历千变万化。通常来说,这样静谧的景象之后一般会绝美的日出。 In his shots, Tontsch, a German expat who now lives in the United Arab Emirates, has revealed the scale of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest structure in the world at 2,716.5ft and more than 160 storeys. 在照片里,这位来自德国、现居阿联酋的摄影师托驰展示了这座世界最高大楼的全像。大楼名叫Burj Khalifa,高2716.5英尺,有超过160层楼。 The snaps also reveal Dubai's extravagance and wealth, and how it has evolved into a megacity after being a desert backwater until its transformation into a tourist hotspot and billionaire's playground began in the mid-1980s. 相片也展示了迪拜的奢华,同时还有迪拜是如何在八十年代从一个闭塞的沙漠城市发展成为亿万富翁们的旅游胜地的。 With man-made islands, some of the best hotels in the world and top-notch shopping, the emirate is synonymous with high-end luxury and a skyline that never seems to stop growing. 拥有着人工岛、世界顶级酒店和商场,阿联酋不愧为高端奢、生生不息的代名词。