6 Things That Make an Organized Person 这6件事助你成为一个有条理的人 Organizational skills are highly appreciated by people. Being responsible and punctual is wonderful. You are then regarded as a trustworthy individual. 组织能力常为人们所高度赞扬。能做到有责任感和守时是很好的。这样,你会被认为是个值得信赖的人。 Would you like to become such a person? Then read the list of the main 6 things that organized people always do: 你想成为这样的人?那么,就请阅读下面列出的有条理的人会做的6件主要事情。 1. Keep A List Of Things To Do 列出清单 Organized people do not keep things in head. Rather, they keep a list of things to do and then they check them off once they get done. Let making a list to do be your new habit. 有条理的人不会仅仅在头脑中记住要做的事情。相反,他们会将要做的事情罗列出来,接着再来核对是否都已经完成。 要养成列清单的习惯。 2. Never Put Things Off 做事不拖拉 Procrastination is typical of those who are irresponsible and careless. Organized people do everything on time. They do not want to put things off. They would rather stay up late and do what they are supposed to do. That’s not an easy task to do yet it is worth it for sure! 那些不负责任和粗心的人是拖延的典范。有条理的人会按时做好每件事。他们做事不拖拉。他们宁愿熬夜也要完成该做的事情。这不是一个简单的任务,但值得这么做! 3. Avoid Getting Tracked 避免受其他事情所恼 For organized people getting side tracked by another couple of dozens things is out of the question. They will never want to start a new task unless they have done what they are doing right now. 对于一个有条理的人来说,要去应对其他的许多事情是不可能发生的。如果他们没有完成手头的事情,他们永远不会开始一个新的任务。 4. Quit Multitasking 避免多任务 You are an organized person only if you do not let the stuff around you phase. Stay focused and concentrated on one task only. Do it, then move on to the next one. 只要你不被很多事情所左右,那你就是个有条理的人。要保持专注于一个任务。完成之后,才去做下一个任务。 5. Involve Other People 参与其中 Organized people do not do it all alone. They try to involve others. As a rule, their spouses join and support them. Another good thing about this is that such couples usually manage to raise disciplined and responsible children. 有条理的人不会独立完成所有工作。他们会尝试和他人共同完成。一般来说,他们的配偶会加入并支持他们。另一件好事是,这样的夫妇通常会设法培养有纪律和有责任感的孩子。 6. Priorities Rule 优先权规则 First things first! What are your priorities? Do not waste your time trying to do 156 things. Spend your time and energy on something that is worth it. Smaller things can wait. The things that are essential should always be done. 重要的事情先做!哪些是你优先要完成的事情?不要将你的时间浪费在试图想做156件事上。将你的时间和精力花在有价值的事情上。零碎的小事是可以先放在一边的。你应该要先完成关键的事情。 |