忘记从什么时候开始,这个“史上最严重雾霾”开始一年一度如春晚一般不再缺席…… 从19日夜间开始,华北等地全面遭殃,如今雾霾范围明显扩大,东北、华中等12省市都没能难逃“寒风吹雾霾不散,浓云蔽日不见天”的厄运…… 外媒的报道 《电讯报》表示,这场雾霾的程度到底有多hazardous呢?组图带给你最直观的冲击: Beijing and the surrounding provinces are experiencing a steady smog haze that the government has deemed a serious enough threat to public safety to shut down businesses, restrict cars, and close schools around the capital city. 北京及其周边城市近日受重度雾霾影响。由于本次雾霾严重危害公众健康,北京市政府宣布工厂停工、车辆限流、学校停课。 Despite the preventative measures, which started Friday, by Monday evening the city’s air quality index had reached 260. That’s more than five times what’s considered healthy and eight times New York City’s level. Outside of Beijing, the index level climbed twice as high. 虽然从上周五起,北京已经启动防御措施。然而,截止本周一傍晚,北京市的空气质量指数仍高达260,这一数据高出健康值的五倍,是纽约市的八倍。在北京周边地区,这一数值甚至是北京的两倍。 Like embarrassing smog episodes before this, the best the government can hope for is strong winds to clear the air. 与之前的每次雾霾污染事故相似,北京市政府唯一能做的,就是期待一阵大风来净化空气。 Three years ago China’s central government approved measures to dramatically reduce air pollution over 20 years. The causes of the country’s air quality issues—coal-derived power, poor quality gasoline, and unregulated heavy industry—do not have quick fixes, and the government isn’t sure it can reach its goal for two decades. 三年前,中央政府启动了一系列政策,目标在未来20年内改善空气污染问题。中国空气质量问题产生根源有如下几点:对煤炭能源的过分依赖,汽油燃料的落后,以及重工业的管理不当——这些问题都无法在短期内得以解决。因此,对于是否能在20年内达到预期目标,政府也忧心忡忡。 Smog remains a contentious point among the Chinese affluent urban class. In Chengdu earlier this month, police shut down a city center to prevent protesters complaining about pollution. 雾霾也引来了都市居民的广泛争议。本月早些时候,成都警方被迫叫停了一座城中村的建造工程,以平息民众的抗议。 这组京城晴霾对比照更是不看不知道,一看吓懵掉:
《财富杂志》一本正经的翻译咱们的吐槽: In Beijing,online posters seem to be taking it in cynical stride. One Weibo user said she was listening to the local radio station when a man called and said the smog outside was so serious he couldn’t see the traffic lights. He had already driven through six red lights. 在北京,网友的各种“吐槽”则更是一针见血。一位微博用户表示,她听到一名男士连线当地之声,说雾霾太大,他看不清红绿灯,已经闯了6个红灯了。 “What I’m going to do?” he asked. The host reassured him and told him not to worry: Considering the density of the fog, traffic cameras and policemen couldn’t see him. “我该怎么办?”该男子问道。之声主持人安慰他,让他别担心。这么大的雾,摄像头和交警应该都看不清他。 雾霾的应对法 A Chinese designer is dismantling valuable pairs of sneakers and reinterpreting them as smog masks in a bid to tackle pollution in China. 中国一位设计师拆解了昂贵的运动鞋,将其改装成防霾口罩来应对中国空气污染问题。 The Beijing-based creative, Zhijun Wang, first began experimenting with re-purposing sneakers back in 2014 when the former marathon runner noticed the air was not clean. 北京人王志钧在2014年参加马拉松时发现北京空气有些污浊,于是就开始对运动鞋进行改造再利用,自此开始了他的口罩改造之旅。 Most Chinese citizens wear face masks as a result of extreme pollution but despite this, there is a severe lack of fashionable choices on offer. 虽然大多数中国人由于重度空气污染都佩戴上口罩,但市场上却严重匮乏时尚的口罩。 As a result, he challenged himself to create face gear that was both functional and stylish. 所以,他决定挑战自我,创造一款功能与外形兼备的口罩。 For his first creation, he used a panel from a Nike Jacket combined with a Nike Flyknit racer silo shoe but his next was exclusively crafted from a sneaker. 他的处女作是由耐克夹克衫和耐克飞线跑鞋改造而成的,但第二个作品是完全由一款运动鞋改造而成。 Since then, he has gone on to create around twenty unique masks all made from collectable footwear and fitted with 3M filters. 从那以后,他陆陆续续改造了20款左右的独特的口罩,这些口罩都是由极具收藏价值的鞋子改造而成的,并安装了3M滤嘴。 The most lauded of which was crafted from two halves of Yeezy’s orange and grey primeknit uppers with the signature “SPLY 350” branding visible on either side. 其中一款口罩最受人们青睐,它使用了两个半片的Yeezy的橙灰色针织鞋帮,标志性的“SPLY350”品牌字样在两侧都清晰可见。 The special-edition mask drew an impressive bid of more than $5,000 on eBay China. 这款特别的口罩在易趣中国上售价超过五千美金,让人印象深刻。 Zhijun Wang is clear that China still has a long way to go when it comes to bridging the gap between fashion and environmental consciousness but his trendy twist on the ubiquitous face mask is certainly fuelling a much needed dialogue. 王志钧深知,要将时尚和环境意识相结合,中国还有一段很长的路要走。但是,他对普通口罩的创意改造必然会促进二者之间所需的交流对话。 “只要心中有阳光和氧气,雾霾终究会散去”明显是扯蛋的,戴好口罩才是保命的第一步…… 据说,烧暖气也对雾霾有影响...所以雾霾和暖气,你选哪个? |