威廉王子明年搬家或辞职 这是登基的前奏?!
Since Duke and Duchess of Cambridge became parents three years ago, they have turned Anmer Hall in Norfolk into their perfect family home, offering a “normal” childhood for Prince George and Princess Charlotte away from prying eyes. 自从剑桥公爵夫妇于三年前成为父母,他们就把诺福克的安莫堡当成自己理想的家园,从而为乔治王子和夏洛特公主提供一个远离窥视的“正常”童年生活。 In 2017, however, they are expected to leave it behind after deciding Prince George should be schooled in London and that Kensington Palace should be their full-time base. 然而,2017年,在决定让乔治王子去伦敦上学后,他们有望离开安莫堡,把肯辛顿宫作为大本营。 The Duke and Duchess are also ready to step up their royal duties, with the Duke contemplating giving up his career as a helicopter pilot to take up a full-time public role. 剑桥公爵夫妇也准备履行他们的皇家职责,而威廉王子打算放弃他的直升机飞行员事业来全职从事公共服务。 Sources close to the couple have said they are committed to expanding their own Royal Foundation charity by giving more time to pet causes including mental health. 知情人士表示,剑桥公爵夫妇致力于投入更多的时间关注宠物事业以及心理健康,来发展他们自己的皇家慈善基金会。 They have told friends they expect 2017 to be a milestone year, in which they settle into roles that will last until they become king and queen. 他们告诉朋友,希望2017年会成为具有里程碑意义的一年,这一年他们将逐步适应自己的皇室角色直到他们成为国王和王后。 The Duke and Duchess and Prince Harry have carried out more engagements this year than in 2015. 与2015年相比,今年剑桥公爵夫妇以及哈里王子就承担了更多的皇室职责。 Royal sources said that trend would continue in 2017 as they help to lighten the workload for the Queen, who will be 91 in April, and the Duke of Edinburgh, who will be 96 in June. 据皇室消息透露,2017年,他们会延续这一趋势,帮助女王减轻工作负担,(毕竟)4月份女王就91岁了,而6月份爱丁堡公爵就96岁了。 Before Christmas the Queen passed on her patronages of 25 organisations to members of the Royal family including the Duke and Duchess. 圣诞节之前,女王把她在25个组织中的职权传给了剑桥公爵夫妇等皇室家族成员。 |