奥巴马夫妇的恩爱抓拍 每一张都是大写的虐狗
In case you didn't know, Michelle Obama is celebrating her 53rd birthday today. She's been a pretty incredible First Lady. Since I couldn't throw her a real party, I decided to honor her by rounding up a few photos of her and the President over the years, and what I found was an absolutely adorable love story. 也许你不知道,米歇尔·奥巴马会在今天庆祝她53岁的生日。她是一位非常不可思议的第一夫人。因为我无法为她举办一个真正的派对,所以我决定把她和奥巴马总统在过去几年里的一些照片收集起来为她庆生,而我发现的绝对是一个令人羡慕的爱情故事。 Stolen kisses, warm embraces, and funny faces are everyday behavior for this couple.The pair have been best friends since their first movie date on the Southside of Chicago in 1989, and they're not afraid to let the world know. Not only is their affection for each other amazingly heartwarming, it's also a shining example of a love that has survived 27 years of monumental ups and downs. 偷吻、温暖的拥抱、搞怪的表情是这对夫妇的日常。从1989年在芝加哥南部电影院的第一次约会,这对夫妇就一直是最好的朋友,而且他们并不担心会让全世界知道。不仅仅是他们之间的感情特别感人,在27年意义深远的跌宕起伏中,他们的感情始终如一,也是一个光辉的爱情典范。 Michelle was a champion of support during both of her husband's presidential campaigns, has openly supported marriage equality, and frequently travels to foreign countries to help the children living in poverty. 米歇尔全力支持着丈夫的两次总统竞选活动,公开支持婚姻平等,而且经常到国外帮助那些生活贫困的儿童。 Cheers to the wonderful First Lady on the special day! 在这个特别的日子里,祝福这位不可思议的第一夫人! Family Portrait In The Oval Office. (上图)美国总统办公室里的全家福照片。 |