‘She does every exercise I do!’ “我做什么运动,她就跟着做什么运动!” A fitness-mad mother claims she lost 60lbs (4 stone 4 lbs) of pregnancy weight by using her baby as a workout buddy. 一位健身狂妈妈称,她把自己的宝宝当成健身伙伴,成功减掉了60磅(4英石4磅)孕期增重。 Danielle Jones, 32, from Atlanta, Georgia, piled on the pounds while she was carrying her daughter Honor, but she has since shed her pregnancy weight and dropped an impressive two dress sizes. 丹妮尔·琼斯今年32岁,来自美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市。在怀着女儿奥娜期间,丹妮尔的体重飙升了不少。不过生产后,丹妮尔已成功减掉孕期增重,穿衣尺码更是小了整整两号! But these days the toddler, aged two, is inspiring her mum to shift her flab by exercising alongside her - even doing sit-ups, push-ups and weightlifting. 然而最近,丹妮尔2岁的小宝贝成功鼓舞了自己的麻麻将甩肉进行到底—她和妈妈一起做运动,仰卧起坐、俯卧撑和举重统统不在话下!
After gaining 54lbs (3 stone 12 lbs) and going up three dress sizes before Honor's birth in September 2014, personal trainer Danielle started exercising at home and noticed her little girl copying her moves. 私人教练丹妮尔在女儿奥娜2014年9月出生前,体重飙升了54磅(3英石12磅),穿衣尺码也大了3号。当她开始在家里锻炼,竟然发现自己的小宝贝跟着模仿自己的动作。 Now Honor enjoys their routines so much she often reminds her mother that 'We haven't worked out yet' 现在,宝宝奥娜沉迷于每日的常规运动无法自拔,她常常提醒妈妈:“我们今天还没运动呢!” Danielle said: 'When I started losing weight, I said [to Honor], "You did this to Mommy." She made me gain weight while I was pregnant, so she had to help me lose it. 丹妮尔说:“刚开始减肥时,我跟奥娜说,‘都怪你,麻麻才辣么胖。’为了生她我才变胖,她为我的减肥大业助攻是必须的~” 'We were always together so I thought, I'll do this with her there, and I'd go to the gym and have her there in her car seat.“ 我们总是呆在一起,所以我就想,要不锻炼的时候也带上她吧。于是我把她留在车座位上,然后走进健身房。” 'At first she'd barely move, but then I noticed her crawling and she started to copy me.“ 刚开始她没怎么动,但后来我发现她爬了过来,开始模仿我的动作。” 'We work out every morning or evening for 20 to 30 minutes,' Danielle said. “我们每天早上或晚上都会运动20到30分钟。”丹妮尔说。 'If we don't, Honor will say, 'We didn't work out' and then I'll do 5 or 10 minutes with her, just to make her think we've done it.' “如果我们没运动,奥娜就会说,‘我们还没运动呢’然后我就会去和她一起做5分钟或者10分钟运动,只为让她心满意足。” Danielle said: 'Having her made me think about my own insecurities, and now I lead by example, telling her, 'You don't have anything if you don't take care of yourself and be confident in yourself'. 丹妮尔说:“女儿的降临让我反思自己安全感的缺乏,我希望她能引以为戒,所以告诉她,‘如果你不能照顾好自己、失去了自信,你将一无所有。’” The mother and daughter duo also eat healthily, although Danielle isn't too strict about Honor's diet. 在饮食方面,这对母女二人组也很注意健康,虽说对于奥娜吃什么丹妮尔管得不算太过苛严。 'She's two, I'm not going to make her eat fruit and veg all day long,' she said.“ 她都两岁了,我不会成天去逼她吃水果蔬菜。” 'I don't mind what she eats. We eat healthily primarily, including fruit and green vegetables, chicken and fish, so we're allowed the occasional treat, like pizza and cake once in a while.' “我不介意她吃些什么,因为我们大多数时候都吃得很健康,水果绿蔬、鸡肉鱼肉应有尽有。所以偶尔吃点披萨蛋糕之类的小零食,也没什么不可以。” Danielle admits that, prior to falling pregnant, clients would tell her: 'Wait until you have a baby, you'll never get your body back.' 丹妮尔承认说,之前在怀孕的时候,有客户告诉她:“等你有了孩子,你就再也找不回好身材了。” But she has proved them wrong by losing all the weight she gained, and more. 但现在,她用实际行动证明了他们是错的—她不仅减掉了怀孕期间累积的肥肉,还比怀孕前更苗条了。 She said: 'People make excuses, like, "I can't because of the baby." But I didn't. In the time it takes to sit down and drink your coffee and watch TV, you could have done something to change your life.' 她说:“人们总爱找借口,比如‘我要照看孩子,没办法减肥。’但我从不给自己找借口。那些坐下来喝咖啡、看电视的时间,本可以用来做些改变你人生的事情。” (翻译:Rory) 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系爱思英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。 |