Cambridge University is advertising for a PhD student to examine the qualities of chocolate in hot weather. 剑桥大学正在征聘巧克力的博士生,来如何在高温下保证巧克力的质量。 It could be a sweet job for the right candidate, but demands a good university degree, engineering and physics skills, a track record in scientific experimentation, extensive experience of studying soft solids, and good maths. A sweet tooth might also help: more than three years of full-time chocolate is not a career for the soft-centred. 由于这项研究项目属于“实验性质的科学研究”,有意者至少要拥有名校本科学历、具有扎实的数学基础才能胜任。此外,课程中还需运用大量工程学及物理学的知识。如果你是一名甜食爱好者,这可能也会是个加分项——和巧克力共处三年多可不是人人都能胜任的。 Cambridge University is advertising for a PhD student to tackle a three-and-a-half-year research project, into how chocolate can "remain solid and retain qualities sought by consumers", when stored and sold in warm climates. 剑桥大学为一个为期三年半的研究项目征聘博士生,专攻如何在温暖的环境中阻止朱古力过早溶化;同时要保证巧克力的味道质量不受影响,从而让巧克力可以在温暖的气候下妥善保存和出售。 The problem will be familiar to anyone who has ever put aside a treat to consume later on a warm day and been heartbroken to discover it turned into chocolate sauce: chocolate, the ad points out, "has a melting point close to that of the human body". 有时我们会将巧克力放在一边想着稍后再吃,然而却“悲剧”地发现它变成了巧克力酱,这一场景对我们来说再熟悉不过了。正如宣传中指出的,巧克力的熔点和接近人体温度,因此很容易变软。 The job – only open to EU candidates – has an undisclosed sponsor described as having "existing technology in this field". The project, the ad continues, "will develop a fundamental understanding of the area which extends beyond the industrial need". 这次征聘只面向欧盟国家,其资助者身份不明,据悉,他已经拥有了“该领域的既存技术”。宣传广告上还讲到,这一项目“已经不仅仅限于满足工业需求,它会深化人们对这一领域的基本认知”。 The job, based in the school of chemical engineering and biotechnology, will start on January 2015, so candidates might do well to find a large bar and a cool place, and put in a bit of practical research immediately. 此项目于2015年1月开始,它以化学工程技术和生物工程技术为基础,因此研究者们最好找一个大巧克力棒和凉快的地方,并立刻开始研究。 (翻译:进击的Meredith) 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系爱思英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。 |