People don't often look back on the early 1900's for advice, but what if we could actually learn something from the Lost Generation? 通常人们不会为了求取生活妙方而去回顾20世纪初的年代,不过如果那个“垮掉的一代”真的能对我们有所助益呢? The New York Public Library has digitized 100 "how to do it" cards found in cigarette boxes over 100 years ago, and the tips they give are so practical that millennials reading this might want to take notes. 纽约公共图书馆将一组100多年前的香烟盒上的“生活妙招”卡片进行了数字化处理,这些卡片上的小贴士实在太实用了,二十一世纪的我们看到了也会多加留意! How to Cool Wine Without Ice 如何不用冰块冷藏葡萄酒 If no ice is available for cooling wine, a good method is to wrap the bottle in flannel and place it in a crock beneath the cold water tap. Allow the water to run over it, as shown in the picture, and in about ten minutes the wine will be thoroughly cool and ready for the table. 找不到冰块来冰镇葡萄酒,有一个好办法来解决这个问题。用毛巾把酒瓶包裹住,放进一个坛子里,到水龙头下面用冷水浇灌。如图所示,让冷水淋在整个酒瓶上,大约十分钟之后,葡萄酒就彻底冷冻下来了,可以上餐桌啦。 (翻译:小木) 声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系爱思英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。 |