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Alice Johnson whose life sentence was commuted by President Trump after Kim Kardashian traveled to the White House to plead her case will now meet with the reality TV star.


The pair have already spoken on the phone after Kim called Johnson in jail to personally deliver news of the President's pardon.


Johnson was jailed for life in 1996 for being part of a cocaine ring, despite having an otherwise clean record and violence not featuring in the case.



She had applied for clemency during Obama's 2014 push to free non-violent drug offenders from jail, but her application was denied.


Johnson was not the only one celebrating the news, as Kim posted a story about her release with the caption: 'BEST NEWS EVER!!!!'


'So grateful to @realDonaldTrump, Jared Kushner & to everyone who has showed compassion & contributed countless hours to this important moment for Ms. Alice Marie Johnson,' she said in a follow-up message.


'Her commutation is inspirational & gives hope to so many others who are also deserving of a second chance.'


Trump met with Kardashian last week to discuss Johnson's case in the Oval Office.


An official White House statement later said that it was a 'commutation' and that it was being granted because 'Ms. Johnson has accepted responsibility for her past behavior and has been a model prisoner over the past two decades.'


White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and White House counsel Don McGahn are said to have been less than thrilled, however, with the president's recent reprieve .


Both officials are said to have reviewed Johnson's case, which involved drug possession and money laundering, and were not convinced she should be set free.


A source said that Trump is 'obsessed' with his almost unchecked ability to issue pardons and could issue a dozen more before the end of the summer. It is said the number he was considering was closer to 30.


Trump reportedly thanked Kardashian at the meeting for boosting his popularity with African-Americans, a group that has not strongly supported his presidency.


Trump received only 8 per cent of African-American vote in 2016, compared to the 88 per cent who supported Hillary Clinton.

2016年川普只获得了非裔美国人8%的选票,而88% 的非裔美国人支持希拉里·克林顿。

