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major corporation大公司

New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所

Tax harmonization协调税收

Hot topic热门话题

European Union欧盟

Driving force推动力

Contemplate on the harmonization统一的期望

国际货币组织International Monetary Fund

国内需求domestic demand

经济全球化economic globalization

双边渠道bilateral channels

亚太经合组织Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

金融危机financial crisis

广泛关注arouse wide concern

国际社会international community

公正合理的国际经济新秩序a new and reasonable international economic order

从大局出发proceed from the whole situation

财政政策financial policy

共同繁荣common prosperity

贸易投资自由化trade and investment liberalization

日新月异progress with each passing day

知识经济knowledge economy

faulty members 教职工

subscribes to 订阅

journals and periodicals 杂志期刊

recreations and athletic facilities娱乐体育设施

arts department文科系

applied science应用科学
