526.只准早到,不许迟到。 You have to be on time. Don’t be late. 527.那有什么好奇怪的? What’s so weird about that? 528.我可不是说着玩的。 I’m not joking. 529.有种你给我试试看。 I dare you to try. 530.这有什么大不了的? What’s the big deal? 531.怎么可能有这种事? How could that be? 532.什么风把你吹来啦? What brings you here? 533.你认为这个很有趣? You think this is funny? 534.一手交钱,一手交货。 You give me the money. I’ll get you the goods. 535.如果我没搞错的话…… If I’m not mistaken… 536.有些人就是学不乖。 Some people never learn. 537. 谁说让你做主了啊? Who put you in charge? 538.朋友是做什么用的? What are friends for? 539.谢谢你临时来帮忙。 Thanks for coming to help on such a short notice. 540.这主意不是我出的! It’s not my idea! 541.我忘了要说什么了。 I forgot what I was gonna say. 542. 最糟的还不只这样。 The worst is yet to come. 543.坐而言,不如起而行。 Actions speak louder than words. 544. 看什么看? 没看过啊! What are you looking at? Never seen this before. 545.我不晓得在哪儿见过他。 I don’t know where I’ve seen him before. 546.我根本不是他的对手。 I’m no match for him. 547.你一定可以撑下去的。 You can do it. 548.我一个人哪做得英语完啊! I can’t do it by myself. 549.我这样还不是为你好! I’m doing it for you! 550.天底下哪有这种好事。 That’s too good to be true. 551. 这样算什么英雄好汉? What kind of hero is that? 注:常用于私底下对他人得批评。更挖苦的说法则是“Some hero huh?”表示非常的不以为然。 |