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英语有三个词表示“雾”:fog, mist和haze。fog指较浓的雾。mist指轻雾或薄雾,即“霭”。haze指混有烟(smoke)、尘埃(dust)或蒸汽(steam)的雾,即“霾”、“阴霾”或“灰霾”。

雾本是自然现象。在工业化过程中,烟囱、扬尘、汽车尾气等都可造成空气污染。烟和雾混合而形成又黑又浓的空气污染物。英语出现了smog(smoke+fog) 和smaze(smoke+haze)两个混合词。前者是“烟雾”,后者是“烟霾”,例如:
1. Smog is a type of air pollution. The word “smog” was coined in the early 20th century as a portmanteau of the words “smoke” and “fog” to refer to smoky fog. “烟雾”是一种空气污染。smog这个词是20世纪初作为smoke和fog两个词的缩合词而创造的新词,用来指“烟雾”。
2. Smaze is a mixture of smoke and haze, similar to smog in appearance, but less damp in consistency. “烟霾”是烟和霾的混合物,样子类似烟雾,但是湿度稍小。
3. In this city, the air is polluted with the smother of traffic and industrial smog. 在这座城市,空气被令人窒息的车辆废气和工业烟雾污染了。
4. This morning, black smog reduced visibility to about fifty meters. 今天早上,黑色烟雾使能见度降到大约50米。

5. Fog is harmful because it carries large amount of chemical. 雾有害,因为它含有大量化学物质。
6. Dense fog has shrouded the industrial city for a few days and caused severe air pollution. 浓雾已笼罩这座工业城市数日,引起严重的空气污染。
7. Thick fog is affecting expressways in North China, and visibility is poor. 浓雾正影响华北地区高速公路,能见度很低。
8. The plane was delayed by a heavy fog. 这班飞机因大雾延误。

与雾相关的动词有“笼罩”(to shroud, to wrap, to cover)、“吞没”(to swallow)、“弥漫”(to permeate, to roll along)、聚集不散(to linger, to persist)、散开(to disperse, to clear),例如:
9. The pollutants left some of Shanghai’s neighboring provinces shrouded in smog and fog. 污染物使上海一些临近省份笼罩在烟雾和浓雾之中。
10. Fog wraps around the town. 雾笼罩着这个城镇。
11. The city was covered in a thick blanket of fog. 这座城市笼罩在大团浓雾之中。
12. This morning, a murky haze swallowed many of the distant tower blocks. 今天早晨,浑浊的雾霾吞没了远处的许多高楼大厦。
13. For the whole day, fog permeated the town. 这座城镇一整天大雾弥漫。
14. This morning, mist rolled along the ground. 今天早晨,薄雾弥漫大地。
15. Dense fog will continue to linger in the northern and eastern regions of our country until Friday. 浓雾将在我国北部和东部地区聚集不散,延续到星期五。
16. When the sun came out, the fog dispersed. 太阳出来,雾就散开了。
17. Patches of fog will clear by mid-morning. 一团一团的雾将在上午10点钟之前散去。

雾具有“模糊不清”的特点,其比喻意义与“模糊”有关。foggy,misty和hazy具有vague, unclear, obscure, indefinite, confused, indistinct及uncertain的意思。foggy,misty 和hazy 常与idea, notion, recollection, memory 等表示“想法”或“记忆”等概念的词搭配在一起,例如:
18. His ideas on this issue are a bit foggy. 他在这个问题上的想法有点儿模糊。
19. If your mind is foggy, you can’t think or remember things clearly. 如果你的头脑模糊不清,你就无法清晰地思考或记事。
20. He has only a foggy idea of it. 他对此仅有模糊认识。
21. He had only a misty recollection of the event. 他对此事件仅有模糊的记忆。
22. I have only misty memories of my early childhood. 我对自己的幼年仅有模糊记忆。
23. What happened next is all very hazy. 接下来发生的事情全都模模糊糊了。
24. The general public has only a hazy idea of what an architect is. 公众对什么是建筑师仅有模糊的概念。
25. The public are hazy on cloud computing. 公众对什么是云计算模糊不清。

in a fog和in a haze的字面意义是“在雾中”和“在迷雾中”,例如:
26. When you drive in a fog, you should use fog lights. 在雾中开车时,应该打开雾灯。
27. The mountains beyond are veiled in a haze. 更远的高山笼罩在迷雾中。
28. The opposite shore of the great river looked dull in a haze. 这条大河的对岸在迷雾中显得昏昏暗暗。

in a fog和in a haze的比喻意义是at a loss, confused,即“朦胧”、“迷茫”或“茫然”,例如:
29. His mind was in a haze. 他的脑子一片茫然。
雾作为一种自然现象会给人们各种各样的联想,成为文学作品常见的意象和题材。美国诗人卡尔•桑德堡(Carl Sandburg,1878~1967)的短诗《雾》,将雾比作安静的猫,赋予其生命,是一种奇特的构想。□


By Carl Sandburg
The fog comes,
on little cat feet.

It sits looking,
over harbor and city,
on silent haunches,
and then moves on.





