爱思英语编者按:以下12个与"Head"有关的地道短语非常实用,在口语和书面表达中都经常用到。 12 English Idioms with the word “Head” that you can use everyday. It’s time for some more idioms and I’d like to dedicate this post to some common expressions we use with the word “head”. They are, in fact, idioms that are used very often in both spoken and written English. I. I always keep my head. 2. It never entered my head. 3. I brought matters to a head. 4. My head is in the clouds. 5. I can’t make head nor tail of this. 6. I’m in way over my head. 7. I could do it standing on my head. 8. The fame has completely gone to my head. 9. He’s off his head. 10. She likes to keep her head down. 11. They’re still scratching their heads over the results. 12. That joke just went over my head. There are plenty more expressions with ‘head’. Why don’t you share some here with me? |