2024-08-04案例本公司于1952年成立,专营玩具和工艺品,现在已经成为中国最大的进出口公司之一。由于公司的产品质量高,价格优惠,因此在世界各地的客户中享有较高声誉。2004年3月你从国际互联网络上得知美国的DRAGON TOY CO. LTD.欲求购中国产的遥控赛车(Telecontrol Racing Car...
2024-08-05一)Payment is to be effected (made) before the end of this month.这个月末以前应该付款。Its convenient to make payment in pound sterling.用英镑付款较方便。Now, as regards p...
Exports 出口
2024-08-05Exports are either raw materials or manufactured goods. Raw materials are products of the land, such as cotton, timber or rubber. Some raw materials, ...
Open Interest敞口权益
2024-08-05Open interest is the total number of future or option contracts not yet offset by a transaction, by delivery or by exerciseIt is a secondary trading t...
How to use Open Interest如何操作敞口权益
2024-08-04Traders use open interest as a tool to gauge the overall health of a specific futures marketRising & falling open interest levels measure the stre...
Rising Open Interest上升的敞口权益
2024-08-05Rising open interest shows new money is entering the marketRising prices and increasing open interest signals that the trend is strengtheningThese cha...
Is a market participant who tries to profit from the buying and selling of futures contracts by anticipating future price movementsNon commercial data...
Commercial Trader
2024-08-05Uses the futures market for "hedging purposes since they are involved in the production, processing or merchandising of a commodityCommercial tra...
Declining Open Interest
2024-08-05Declining open interest indicates money is leaving the market & the recent trend is running out of momentumTrends accompanied by declining open in...