2023-12-06Today anyone will accept money in exchange for goods and services. People use money to buy food, furniture, books, bicycles and hundreds of other thin...
2023-12-06Money is a word common to all the basic functions of bank. Money can be defined as anything which passes from hand to hand and is generally acceptable...
2023-12-06What is money? Anything which performs the functions of money is monoy. Money's essential characteristic is that it is generally acceptable. When ...
2023-12-06I am a fisherman. I just caught a boat-load of fish, and I want to exchange all these fish for a new suit. Without an exchange medium”, his is v...
2023-12-06One day in 1848, a carpenter named Marshall, who worked in a saw mill on the American River in California, made a remarkable discovery. He noticed som...
2023-12-06In Western countries people have been using the installment plan since the first half of the twentieth century. Today, a large proportion of all the f...
金融英语阅读:The Money in a Bank
2024-05-27The banks are commercial enterprises and like many other businesses are organized as companies which are owned by shareholders. These shareholders, or...
金融英语阅读:“The Market”Is a Concept
2023-12-06Is the market a place? Or a thing? Neither, really. It's a concept. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale, you are producing for t...
2023-12-06The monetary system of the Western World is based on the agreement on the establishment of the International monetary Fund (IMF), which was made at Br...
2023-12-06You can conveniently and swiftly remit your foreign exchange fund to any account of other cities or foreign countries.您可在银行方便快捷地将自己的外汇款项汇往异地或境外的任一账户。 ...