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You can conveniently and swiftly remit your foreign exchange fund to any account of other cities or foreign countries.您可在银行方便快捷地将自己的外汇款项汇往异地或境外的任一账户。 You can select a method from T/T, M/T and D/D on the basis of your own needs.您可根据自己需要任意选择电汇、信汇和票汇三种方式办理业务。 Your relatives and friends in other cities or foreign countries can remit the foreign exchange funds to ICBC who will safely and timely send the funds to you.您在异地或境外的亲朋好友可将外汇款项汇往工商银行,工商银行会安全、及时地将款项送达您的手中。 You can also enjoy more convenient remittance services by means of ICBC's remittance express service. Besides the above-mentioned personal remittances, you may also select MoneyGram, a kind of individual-to-individual international urgent remittance service. With this service, the funds normally can be received within 10 minutes. ICBC has already signed cooperation agreements with the Thomas Cook MoneyGram Payment Systems Inc.您也可以通过工商银行的汇款直通车服务享受到更加便捷的汇款服务。除上文述及的个人汇款外,您还可选择速汇金(Money Gram)这种个人与个人之间的国际特快汇款服务。通过这种服务,正常情况下10分钟之能内便收到款项。工商银行已经与通济隆速汇金付款系统公司签订了合作协议。 To satisfy personal clients' requirements of remittance, ICBC's overseas and domestic offices have developed jointly some characteristic foreign exchange remittance services, such as Macao-HK, Beijing-HK, Shanghai-HK remittance express introduced by ICBC Asia, special favor service for students abroad introduced by the Tokyo Branch, “Remittance Express” and “Fax Remittance” introduced by the Tokyo Branch, Seoul Branch, Luxembourg Branch and others.为方便个人客户对汇款业务的需求,工商银行的境外机构还与境内机构联合开发了一些颇具特色的外汇汇款服务,如工银亚洲推出的特快粤港、京港、沪港汇款通服务,东京分行开办的留学生汇款特惠服务,东京分行、汉城分行、卢森堡分行等机构开办的“汇款直通车”和“传真汇款”等。
