QDII,CDR Need More Study—Ex-CSRC Head
2023-12-06QDII,CDR Need More Study--Ex-CSRC Head 一位中国前高层监管人士说:实施QDII,CDR两个机制前需要更多的研究 A former top Chinese securities regulator said more study is needed before ...
No Sino-foreign fund management companies will be pitching for a mandate to manage China's more than 60 billion yuan ($1=CNY8.28) national pension...
China Oilfield Bankers Exercise Overallotment Option 中海油田服务的承销行行使15%的超额配售权 China Oilfield Services Ltd.(Q.COI), the sister company of Hong Kong and Ne...
2023-12-06Why is an automatic price-matching transaction maintained after the introduction of OTC transactions? OTC approach is a basic practice in the internat...
2023-12-06What is an OTC transaction and how is it different from an automatic price-matching transaction?The OTC approach refers to spot foreign exchange trans...
2023-12-06Overview of the Banking Industry in ChinaI.The Role of the Banking Sector in China1.Although banks share many common features with other profit-seekin...
2023-12-06Money is legal tender issued by a government, including paper currency and coin. Other negotiable instruments and cash on deposit in banks are also co...
Currency and Exchange货币和外汇
2023-12-06Currency is money issued by governments and central banks throughout the world. An exchange rate is the rate at which one currency can be exchanged fo...
2023-12-06Interest is the cost of using money. The interest rate paid is usually expressed in annual terms though money market instruments may have a shorter te...
2023-12-06Margin allows investors to buy securities with money borrowed from brokers or banks. It is calculated based on the difference between the market value...