Central Banks中央银行
2023-12-06A central bank is a country's main monetary authority and is responsible for the issuing and administration of currency; licensing and overseeing ...
In western countries many people worry about inflation.What's inflation? Prices of things are going up. That's all. Is that so bad? Yes. It...
Why Does Food Cost So Much?
2023-12-06In 1959 the average American family paid $989 for a year’s supply of food. In 1972 the family paid $1311.That was a price increase of nearly one...
2023-12-06In big cities, Americans do their grocery shopping at large supermarkets. They usually shop once or twice a week, and when they go through the check-o...
2023-12-06Installment Buying in the U.S.Estimates indicate that more than 60 percent of the yearly retail sales in the U.S. are credit transactions. About three...
The Credit Card Economy信用卡经济
2023-12-06The Credit Card Economy——Money Transactions of the futureCredit cards are big business. Americans spend $16 billion a year on cards and th...
2023-12-06Do You Put Your Paycheck in the Bank?Many people have two accounts in a bank: a savings account and a checking account. When people deposit money in a...
Living with constant double——digit inflation may be something new for Americans, but across the Atlantic many Europeans are used to it. Ho...
The World Bank世界银行
2023-12-06The World Bank's full name is the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Its function is to provide a mechanism for supplying for ...
Stock Exchange股票交易所
2023-12-06In China the stock exchange is now in general a non-profit-making legal entity with membership system. It is market which provides places for organize...