2023-12-06Consumer price index up 1.2% in Oct.China's consumer price index (CPI) rose by 1.2 percent in October from the same month last year, with urban ar...
2023-12-06财经报道的主要功能是传递信息( transaction of information)。及时了解、准确掌握英文财经报道的信息内容,除需具备一定的专业知识外,还应该对这类报道的语言运用规律和特征有所认识。总体而言,英文财经报道从个别字词的选用到全篇内容的陈述都体现了新闻报道贯有的及时、客观、新颖的特点...
2023-12-06New China Headquarters to House All Citigroup Businesses花旗中国总部新址 汇集所有花旗业务On September 27, 2004, the Citigroup brand went on permanent display on Citig...
2023-12-06Wen: Renminbi rate reform a gradual process温家宝说:人民币改革是一个渐进的过程Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said in Beijing Friday that the reform of the RMB exchange rat...
2023-12-06Market Entry Options for Foreign FirmsLicensingTechnology transfer is another initial market entry approach used by many companies. It offers short-te...
总理说:2005年国内生产总值将超过1.85万亿美元China's gross domestic product (GDP) is expected to exceed 15 trillion yuan (US$1.85 trillion) in 2005, said Chinese Pre...
2023-12-06Construction bank seeks listing by year-end建设银行寻求年底上市China Construction Bank (CCB) is bracing to get itself listed on the stock market by the end of 2...
2023-12-06RMB is not cause of US trade deficit人民币不是美国贸易赤字产生的原因Some US senators have recently blamed China for the Sino-US trade deficit hitting a new high last ...
2023-12-06Lenovo to boost PC market share联想谋求更大的PC市场份额Lenovo Group Ltd, the world's third largest personal computer (PC) manufacturer, aims to boost its sha...
IFC, ADB OK'd for bond issuing
2023-12-06国际金融公司和亚洲发展银行同意在大陆发行人民币债券China yesterday announced the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) had been approved ...