
  • 爱思英语编者按:一句精彩的引用可以让你的面试加分不少哦!下面是一些从电影中选出来的经典语录,你面试的时候不妨引用一下。不过首先还是要记住应该察言观色,在合适的时候说出来。1、“There is no certainty, only opportunity.”V for Vendetta (2005)...

  • Are you getting ready to graduate from college or considering a career change? Do you need a little help in getting started? 你是否刚毕业或者正在考虑跳槽呢?在开始新工作之前你...

  • The economy is shaky -- and it may feel like your job is, too.经济正在衰退——你的工作可能也是如此。Whether you're already job hunting or believe you may need to soo...

  • 10 Ways to Be Liked in Your Job Interviewby Jonathan Littman and Marc HershonNo matter your resume and talents, if you mess up a job interview you won...

  • 24EN Editor's Note:You just landed an interview. You're excited. You're nervous. And, your head is full of questions about how to come acr...

  • Job Interview Answer: Why Were You Fired?工作面试回答:为什么你会被解雇?Best Answers to Why You Were Fired回答你为什么会被解雇的最佳答案Fired from your job? Don't know what to ...

  • 24EN Editor's Note:Before finding your true career calling, it's likely that you held a job that seemed unrelated to what you hoped to do. Tho...

  • 爱思英语编者按:如果面试后的一两周内都还没有得到通知,你可以打电话去问问,这样做到自己心中有数,当然也可以写信或发Email去查问。电话询问结果,要注意一下用词和语气,以免给招聘公司造成焦躁的感觉。 下面是电话询问结果时常用的一些句型。1) I am just calling to follow u...

  • 24EN Editor's Note:A recent poll of technical recruiters and hiring managers asked for the top "pet peeves" - things they see on resumes...

  • A recent poll of technical recruiters and hiring managers asked for the top "pet peeves" - things they see on resumes and cover letters that...

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