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Are you getting ready to graduate from college or considering a career change? Do you need a little help in getting started?

Use Your Career Office   

If you are a college student or graduate the first step is to visit, call or email your institution's Career Office. The staff will be eager to help you through every step of the job search process. This will include deciding what you want to do, writing a resume and cover letter, and then finding the perfect job. Most career offices will afford you with personal career advising, job and internship listings, employment programs, career resources and other services available for both students and alumni. If you're not affiliated with a college or university you may find similar help offered by your state's Department of Labor.

Top Employers for Grads

As noted, the first step in the actual job search process is to discover what is you want to do. It's interesting to note that the top hundred employers projected to hire this year's graduating seniors, as surveyed by The Black Collegian, include The New England Center for Children and Eckerd Youth Alternatives in addition to the companies like Price Waterhouse Coopers, Accenture and Microsoft, you would expect to see on the list. The Peace Corps is still recruiting volunteers, well past their traditional hiring deadline and other international organizations like Hess Language School are still seeking candidates interested in spending some time abroad. There are plenty of online resources, like Vault.com and Wetfeet.com where you can research industries and companies. Be sure to consider all the options that even remotely interest you.
如前所述,在实际找工作的时候第一步都是要想好自己想要做什么样的工作。根据The Black Collegian的调查,有趣的是,世界100强公司的老板都预计可能会雇佣今年的毕业生,这些公司包括,新英格兰少年和儿童中心,普华大华会计师事务所,埃森哲咨询公司以及微软公司,不久你会看到这份调查名单。美国的和平志愿者团体仍在招募志愿者,招聘截止日期也远远超过了其过去的招聘期限。其他的国际集团比如Hess Language School仍然在招募对大部分时间去海外出差感兴趣的员工。有很多网站资源,你可以在那里搜索行业以及公司。一定要考虑所有的可能性,即使是那些你不是很感兴趣的工作也要考虑。

Start a Job Search      更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/

The next step is to get going on a job search. According to a recent survey conducted by NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) employers predict indicates that hiring of college graduates in this year will increase by 13.1 from last year. Employers canvassed in the survey stated they will be seeking candidates from a variety of majors including liberal arts in additional to the more technical academic majors. They will be looking for people with interpersonal communication skills and leadership potential. Employers will also be focusing on candidates with the ability to work and excel in a team-focused environment.

Starting a New Career

Remember, too, that it is never too late to begin a new career. Many students will take a year or so off after college before looking for a "real" job. There are plenty of stay-at-home moms who wait to enter the workforce until their kids are grown. And don't forget mid-life career changers and retirees who start a second or third career in their later years!
