2024-10-10A resume should be only one, or at the most, two pages.简历一页就够了,多了也不要超过两张。While it is true that you have only a few seconds to capture a reader's a...
2024-10-041. Don’t talk negatively about people behind their backs. If you gossip, people won’t confide in you. Mind your own business不要在别人的背后说人坏话。你热衷流言蜚语的话,人们就...
2024-10-10爱思英语编者按:当被问到以前的工作经验时,你可能会千篇一律的重复简历上的那段话。这样就丧失了针对性。你应该事先调查一下你要应聘的工作的具体内容,这样好在陈述时突出和工作相契合的部分,增加面试成功的机率。Thinking the job description is set in stone职位描述是...
2024-09-1324EN Editor's Note:An article explaining how to improve your performance when attending an interview, and how to increase your chances of being of...
2024-11-071. My reason for leaving my present employment is that I am desirous of getting broader experience in trading.本人离职的理由:希望在贸易方面,能获得更广泛的经验。2. My reason f...
2024-10-02爱思英语编者按:你的简历完美无缺、各种证书无懈可击、相貌无可挑剔——你是雇主的理想雇用对象。可为什么你已经找了快一年的时间,还是没找到工作?Expert says change of attitude might be best approach专家说转变态度也许是最好的办法You've g...
2024-10-11爱思英语编者按:想要找份好工作么?下面这几家公司是大家都想去的,不过,要进这些公司可是不容易。除了自己要有实力,准备工作也要做好。下面是这些着名公司面试的代表性题目,你可得看清楚了、仔细揣摩哦!IBM代表性考题1. Describe your greatest achievement in the ...
2024-09-1224EN Editor's Note:When they finish quizzing you,interviewers always ask,“So,do you have any questions?”That's your cue to show off your resea...
2024-09-26你了解自己吗?了解自己的职业吗?了解自己的欲求吗?希望下面这篇文章能帮助你找到答案。1. Where are you are in your career? 你处于职业生涯的哪个位置?First quarter 1/4处Second quarter 2/4处Third quarter 3/4处Fou...
职场秘籍: 怎样巧妙谈自己的缺点
2024-10-10职场秘籍:How to skillfully talk about your own defects 怎样巧妙谈自己的缺点Worldwide Panel LLC, a small market-research firm, is getting flooded with resumes for fo...