
  • 6 Ways to Survive Unemployment失业中生存的六个途径Unemployment can bring on a range of emotions including anger and fear. If you have been unemployed for weeks ...

  • 爱思英语编者按:虽说在找工作的过程中要抓住每一个机会听起来很诱人,但是不要这样做。很多机会可能会让你进入一个损失钱财的死胡同。根据职场顾问的领尖人物Liz Ryan的建议,要警惕以下5个求职者不能做的事情,它们可以避免最差的求职结果。While it may be tempting to chase...

  • 24EN Editor's Note:If you're looking for work and aren't having much luck in your current field, it's tempting to decide now is the ti...

  • 爱思英语编者按:虽说在找工作的过程中要抓住每一个机会听起来很诱人,但是不要这样做。很多机会可能会让你进入一个损失钱财的死胡同。根据职场顾问的领尖人物Liz Ryan的建议,要警惕以下5个求职者不能做的事情,它们可以避免最差的求职结果。While it may be tempting to chase...

  • 24EN Editor's Note:The recession may be over, but the job market recovery is lagging way behind. And experts say the situation may get worse befor...

  • Move Up Without Moving On工作中不必辞职也可以上个新台阶Sometimes you have to leave your current job to ascend the corporate ladder-- but not always. Especially if yo...

  • Home Business vs. Telecommuting Job - Which Is Right for You?家庭创业以及远程办公:哪样更适合你?So you want to work at home, but you’re still in the planning stages. W...

  • 爱思英语编者按:俗话说,磨刀不误砍柴工。意思就说准备工作要做好,如果刀没磨好,如何顺利的砍柴、展开工作呢?这里介绍了一些准备的方法,应该会对你有所帮助。Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four shar...

  • How to Answer the Toughest Interview Questions怎样回答面试中最难的那些问题You know they're coming: Those seemingly unanswerable questions that pop up during job...

  • 爱思英语编者按:12月份,很多公司也开始发offer了。公司会通知你合适去签约。那么如何评估工作的好坏呢?什么样的工作不能签呢?"Congratulations! You've got the job." The relief these words carry is i...

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