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中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 36


第二百二十八条 法律文书指定交付的财物或者票证,由执行员传唤双方当事人当面交付,或者由执行员转交,并由被交付人签收。

"Article 228 With respect to the property or negotiable instruments specified for delivery in the legal document, the execution officer shall summon both parties concerned and deliver them in their presence or the execution officer may forward them to the recipient, who shall sign and give a receipt."


"Any unit concerned that has in possession the property or negotiable instruments shall turn them over to the recipient in accordance with the notice of the people's court for assistance in execution, and the recipient shall sign and give a receipt."


"If any citizen concerned has in possession the property or negotiable instruments, the people's court shall notify him to hand them over."


" If he refuses to do so, compulsory execution shall be carried out."

第二百二十九条 强制迁出房屋或者强制退出土地,由院长签发公告,责令被执行人在指定期间履行。

"Article 229 Compulsory eviction from a building or a plot of land shall require a public notice signed and issued by the president of a people's court, instructing the person subjected to execution to comply within a specified period of time."


" If the person subjected to execution fails to do so upon the expiration of the period, compulsory execution shall be carried out by the execution officer."


"When compulsory execution is being carried out, if the person subjected to execution is a citizen, the person or an adult member of his family shall be notified to be present; "


"if the party subjected to execution is a legal person or any other organization, its legal representatives or principal heads shall be notified to be present; "


their refusal to be present shall not hinder the execution.


" If the person subjected to execution is a citizen, his work unit or the grass-roots organization in the locality of the building or the plot of land shall send a representative for attendance."


"The execution officer shall make a record of the particulars of the compulsory execution, with the signatures or seals of the persons on the scene affixed to it."


"The people's court shall assign personnel to transport the property removed in a compulsory eviction from a building to a designated location and turn it over to the person subjected to execution or, if the person is a citizen, to an adult member of his family; if any loss is incurred due to such person's refusal to accept the property, the loss shall be borne by the person subjected to execution."

第二百三十条 在执行中,需要办理有关财产权证照转移手续的,人民法院可以向有关单位发出协助执行通知书,有关单位必须办理。

"Article 230 In the course of execution, if certain formalities for the transfer of certificates of property right need to be gone through, the people's court may issue a notice for assistance in execution to the relevant units, and they must comply with it."

第二百三十一条 对判决、裁定和其他法律文书指定的行为,被执行人未按执行通知履行的,人民法院可以强制执行或者委托有关单位或者其他人完成,费用由被执行人承担。

"Article 231 If the person subjected to execution fails to perform acts specified in a judgement or written order or any other legal document according to the execution notice, the people's court may carry out compulsory execution or entrust the task to a relevant unit or other persons, and the person subjected to execution shall bear the expenses thus incurred."

第二百三十二条 被执行人未按判决、裁定和其他法律文书指定的期间履行给付金钱义务的,应当加倍支付迟延履行期间的债务利息。被执行人未按判决、裁定和其他法律文书指定的期间履行其他义务的,应当支付迟延履行金。

"Article 232 If the person subjected to execution fails to fulfil his obligations with respect to pecuniary payment within the period specified by a judgment or written order or any other legal document, he shall pay double interest on the debt for the belated payment. If the person subjected to execution fails to fulfil his other obligations within the period specified in the judgment or written order or any other legal document, he shall pay a charge for the dilatory fulfilment."

第二百三十三条 人民法院采取本法第二百二十一条、第二百二十二条、第二百二十三条规定的执行措施后,被执行人仍不能偿还债务的,应当继续履行义务。

"Article 233 After the adoption of the execution measures stipulated in Articles 221, 222 and 223 of this Law, if the person subjected to execution is still unable to repay the debts, he shall continue to fulfil his obligations."


"If the creditor finds that the person subjected to execution has any other property, he may at any time apply to the people's court for execution."
