
: 英语巴士网行业英语法律英语行业英语内容详情





fair comment Term used in libel law applying to statements relating to matters of public concern made by a writer in honest belief that they are true, even though they are not.false arrest Arresting an individual without proper legal authority.false pretenses Purposely misrepresenting a fact or condition in order to obtain another's money or goods.family allowance Money set aside from the estate of a deceased to provide for surviving family members during administration of the estate.family court Court having jurisdiction over such family matters as child abuse and neglect, support, paternity and custody.felony Serious crime punishable by imprisonment for more than a year or death and/or substantial fines. Compare misdemeanor. fiduciary (fih DOO she AIR ee) Person having a legal relationship of trust and confidence with another and a duty to act primarily for other's benefit, e.g., guardian, trustee or executor.file To place a paper in custody of the clerk of court/court administrator to enter into the official files or records of a case.finding Formal conclusion by judge, jury or regulatory agency on issues of fact.fine Money penalty imposed in criminal or civil action.first appearance See initial appearance.forcible entry and detainer Summary proceeding for restoring possession of land to one who has been wrongfully deprived of it.forgery Falsely and fraudulently making or altering a document, e.g., a check.fraud Intentional deception to deprive another person of property or to injure that person in some other way
