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上海市轨道交通管理条例 Regulations of Shanghai Municipality




第一条 为了加强轨道交通管理,促进轨道交通建设,保障安全运营,维护乘客的合法权益,根据有关法律、法规的规定,结合本市实际情况,制定本条例。

第二条 本条例所称轨道交通,是指本市地铁、轻轨等城市轨道公共客运系统。


第三条 本条例适用于本市行政区域内轨道交通的规划、投资、建设、运营及其相关的管理活动。

第四条 上海市城市交通管理局(以下简称市交通局)是本市轨道交通的行政主管部门,负责本条例的组织实施;其所属的上海市轨道交通管理处(以下简称市轨道交通处)负责本市轨道交通的具体管理工作。市交通局可以委托市轨道交通处实施本条例规定由市交通局实施的行政处罚。



第五条 本市轨道交通实行统一规划、多元投资、配套建设、规范运营、集中管理、安全便捷的原则。

第六条 本市优先发展城市轨道公共客运交通。本市各级人民政府应当对轨道交通的投资、建设和运营给予支持。


第七条 本市轨道交通网络规划由市规划行政管理部门根据本市国民经济和社会发展计划组织编制。



第八条 市交通局根据轨道交通专业规划,组织编制轨道交通建设计划,并组织制定轨道交通运营管理、线路设施和车站设施等运营功能配置规范。



第九条 本市划定轨道交通规划控制区,其具体范围由市规划行政管理部门会同市交通局划定。


第十条 城市规划确定的轨道交通用地,未经法定程序调整,不得改变用途。


第十一条 市规划行政管理部门在规划轨道交通车站用地时,应当根据轨道交通网络规划和专业规划,以及客流量、乘客换乘需要和用地条件,预留换乘枢纽、机动车和非机动车停车场、公共厕所等公共交通和公共设施用地。


第十二条 轨道交通建设资金通过多渠道、多方式筹集。本市鼓励国内外企业和其他组织投资建设和经营轨道交通。投资者的合法权益受法律保护。


第十三条 轨道交通工程建设项目的勘察、设计、施工、监理,应当遵守国家和本市规定的技术标准,并且符合保护周围建筑物、构筑物以及其他相关设施的技术规定。


第十四条 轨道交通建设应当符合轨道交通运营功能配置规范的要求。


第十五条 轨道交通工程竣工后,轨道交通项目建设单位应当按照设计标准组织工程初验。具备基本运营条件的,由市交通局组织有关部门和专家认定,报市人民政府批准后,可以进行试运营。


第十六条 在城市规划确定的轨道交通用地范围内,轨道交通项目建设单位或者受其委托的轨道交通线路运营单位享有房地产开发、商业和广告等活动的经营权。


第十七条 轨道交通线路的运营单位应当通过招标投标确定;特殊情况下,经市人民政府批准,也可以采用直接委托的方式确定。


第十八条 市交通局应当制定本市轨道交通运营的服务规范。轨道交通线路运营单位应当按照服务规范的要求,保障轨道交通的正常运营,安全、正点地运送乘客。


第十九条 轨道交通线路运营单位的驾驶员、调度员等岗位工作人员必须经市轨道交通处考核合格后,持证上岗。


第二十条 轨道交通票价应当与本市其他公共交通的票价相协调。票价的确定和调整应当按照规定召开听证会,广泛听取社会各方面意见,经市物价管理部门审核并报市人民政府批准。



第二十一条 轨道交通线路运营单位应当为乘客提供安全、便捷的客运服务,保障乘客的合法权利。



第二十二条 市交通局应当制定《轨道交通乘客守则》。乘客进站、乘车应当遵守《轨道交通乘客守则》。

第二十三条 乘客应当持有效车票乘车。无车票或者持无效车票乘车的,轨道交通线路运营单位可以按照单程总票价补收票款,并可加收五倍以下票款。

第二十四条 在轨道交通设施范围内禁止下列行为:











第二十五条 禁止乘客携带易燃、易爆、有毒和有放射性、腐蚀性的危险品乘车。


第二十六条 轨道交通项目建设单位应当按照消防管理、事故救援的有关规定,在轨道交通设施内设置消防、防汛、防护、报警、救援等器材和设备。轨道交通线路运营单位应当保持上述器材和设备的完好。


第二十七条 公安部门负责轨道交通的治安管理,维护轨道交通的治安秩序。


第二十八条 市轨道交通处和轨道交通线路运营单位应当建立投诉受理制度,接受乘客对违反本条例运营规定行为和服务质量的投诉。




第二十九条 轨道交通线路运营单位负责轨道交通设施的管理和维护。轨道交通线路运营单位对运营设施和服务设施应当定期检查,及时维修、更新,确保轨道交通设施处于可安全运行的状态,保持售票、检票、自动扶梯、车辆、通风、照明等设备完好,保持车站、车厢整洁,做到出入口、通道畅通,标志醒目。


第三十条 轨道交通应当设置安全保护区。安全保护区的范围如下:




第三十一条 在轨道交通安全保护区内进行下列作业的,其作业方案应当征得市轨道交通处同意,并采取相应的安全防护措施:





第三十二条 轨道交通项目建设单位或者线路运营单位应当按照技术审查意见,对第三十一条第一款有关作业的安全性进行日常监督。


第三十三条 在轨道交通线路弯道内侧,不得修建妨碍行车望的建筑物、构筑物,不得种植妨碍行车望的树木。


第三十四条 禁止在轨道交通车站出入口处停放车辆、堆放杂物、乱设摊,影响乘客出入。

第三十五条 禁止下列危害轨道交通设施的行为:






第三十六条 轨道交通运营中发生人身伤亡事故,应当按照先抢救受伤者,排除障碍,及时恢复正常运行,后处理事故的原则处理,任何单位和个人不得阻碍轨道交通正常运营。

第三十七条 轨道交通运营中发生人身伤亡事故,轨道交通线路运营单位应当保护现场,维持秩序;公安部门应当及时对现场进行勘查、检验,并依法处理事故死亡人员的尸体。

第三十八条 人身意外伤亡事故的善后事宜,由轨道交通线路运营单位与受害人依法协商处理。

第三十九条 轨道交通线路运营单位应当对运输过程中乘客的伤亡承担损害赔偿责任,但伤亡是乘客自身健康原因造成的或者是乘客故意、重大过失造成的除外。



第四十条 违反本条例有关轨道交通规划、投资、建设管理规定的,由相关行政管理部门依照有关法律、法规处理。

第四十一条 违反本条例第十四条规定,轨道交通建设不符合运营功能配置规范的,未配置安全可靠的运营、服务设施或者未建设完善的安全监测和施救保障系统的,由市交通局责令限期改正,处二万元以上二十万元以下罚款。

第四十二条 违反本条例第十八条第二款规定,未按规定公布或者告示有关事项的,由市交通局责令改正。



第四十三条 违反本条例第二十四条规定,有第(一)项、第(二)项、第(三)项禁止行为的,由轨道交通线路运营单位责令改正,处五百元以下罚款。



第四十四条 违反本条例第三十一条第一款规定,未经同意或者未按照同意的作业方案在安全保护区内作业的,由市交通局责令改正,处二万元以上二十万元以下罚款。

第四十五条 违反本条例第三十三条第一款规定,修建妨碍行车望的建筑物、构筑物的,由市交通局责令限期改正;种植妨碍行车望的树木的,由市交通局责令限期修剪或者迁移。


第四十六条 违反本条例第三十四条规定,在轨道交通车站出入口处停放车辆、堆放杂物、乱设摊,影响乘客出入的,由公安交通管理部门、负责市容环境卫生监察的组织依照有关法律、法规处理。

第四十七条 拒绝、妨碍市交通局、市轨道交通处或者轨道交通线路运营单位的工作人员依法执行职务,妨害轨道交通运营秩序或者危害轨道交通设施,违反《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》的,由公安部门依法处罚;构成犯罪的,仍法追究刑事责任。

第四十八条 违反本条例规定造成轨道交通设施损坏的,除依法给予行政处罚外,还应当承担相应的民事赔偿责任。


第四十九条 市交通局、市轨道交通处或者轨道交通线路运营单位的工作人员玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,由其所在单位或者上级主管部门依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第五十条 当事人对市交通局、市轨道交通处或者轨道交通线路运营单位的具体行政行为不服的,可以依照《中华人民共和国行政复议法》或者《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》的规定,申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。



第五十一条 磁悬浮交通的建设、运营和管理参照本条例执行。

第五十二条 本条例自2002年7月1日起施行。《上海市地下铁道管理条例》同时废止。



Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on The Administration of City Railway Communication
(Adopted on May 21, 2002 at the 39th Session of the Standing Committee of the 11th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress)

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 In order to strengthen the administration of city railway communication, promote the construction of city railway communication, safeguard safe operation and protect the legitimate rights and interests of passengers, these Regulations are formulated in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, and with full consideration to the actual circumstances of this Municipality.

Article 2 The city railway communication (hereinafter referred to as the CRC) mentioned in these Regulations refers to this Municipality's systems of city railway public passenger transport such as underground railway (metro) and light railway.

The CRC facilities mentioned in these Regulations refer to the railways, tunnels, elevated roads, stations (including entrances, exits, passages), vehicles, mechanic and electric equipment, communication signal systems and other auxiliary facilities of CRC as well as related facilities set up to ensure the operation of CRC.

Article 3 These Regulations apply to the planning, investment, construction and operation of CRC and related management activities thereof in this Municipality's administrative area.

Article 4 The Shanghai Municipal City Traffic Administration (hereinafter referred to as the MCTA) is the competent administrative department of this Municipality's CRC, in charge of the organization of implementation of these Regulations, and its subordinate the Shanghai Municipal City Railway Communication Administration Section (hereinafter referred to as the MCRCAS) takes charge of the specific administration work of this Municipality's CRC. The MCTA may entrust the MCRCAS to impose the administrative punishment that is to be imposed by the MCTA as provided by these Regulations.

The CRC line operating unit is responsible for the routine management work of CRC operation within its operation scope. The CRC line operating unit, which the MCTA affirms to have met the requirements for imposing the administrative punishment, shall impose the administrative punishment according to the authorization of the these Regulations.

The municipal plan, construction, planning and other related administrative departments shall, according to their respective functions and duties, implement these Regulations.

Article 5 The principles of united planning, multiple investments, construction of complete-set, normalized operation, concentrated management, and safety and convenience are followed in this Municipality's CRC.

Article 6 This Municipality gives top priority to the development of CRC of public passenger transport. The people's governments at all levels in this Municipality shall give support to the investment, construction and operation of CRC.

Chapter II Planning, Investment and Construction Management

Article 7 This Municipality's CRC network planning shall be drawn up through organization by the municipal planning administrative department in accordance with the plan of this Municipality's national economy and social development.

This Municipality's specialized planning of CRC shall be drawn up through organization by the MCTA in accordance with the planning of CRC network and incorporated into the city overall planning after comprehensive balance by the municipal planning administration department.

For the drawing up of the planning of CRC network and specialized planning, opinions shall be solicited from the district/county people's governments and all related parties as well as the citizens, so as to make a rational arrangement of links for transfer between different lines of CRC and between CRC and other city public communication.

Article 8 The MCTA shall, according to the specialized planning of CRC, organize the drawing up of the CRC construction plan and the formulation of norms of operating function arrangements for CRC operation management, line facilities, station facilities, etc.

The CRC construction plan shall be organized and carried out after approval according to the procedure of capital construction set by the State and this Municipality.

The municipal plan and construction administrative departments shall, jointly with the MCTA, examine the letter of suggestions, the feasibility study report and the preliminary design of CRC construction project.

Article 9 This Municipality delimits the control area of CRC planning, and the specific scope shall be designated by the municipal planning administrative department jointly with the MCTA.

The municipal, district and county planning administrative departments, when examining the projects to be newly built, re-built or extended within the CRC planning control area, shall solicit in writing the opinion of the MCTA.

Article 10 The land defined by the city planning for the use of CRC shall not change the purpose of use without the adjustment by legal procedure.

The CRC construction that uses the underground space is not subject to the restriction of the use rights of the land above. The construction of CRC project shall take measures to prevent and reduce the affect to the upper and surrounding existing buildings and structures and to ensure their safety.

Article 11 The municipal planning administrative department, when it makes planning of the land to be used for CRC stations, shall, according to the CRC network planning and specialized planning as well as passenger flow, needs of passengers'transfer and land-use condition, reserve in advance land to be used for the hub of transfers, parking lots of motor and non-motor vehicles, public toilets, and other public communication and public facilities.

The land to be used for the hub of passengers'transfers, parking lots of motor and non-motor vehicles, public toilets and other public communication and public facilities shall not be diverted for other purposes.

Article 12 The funds of CRC construction shall be raised through multiple channels and ways. This Municipality encourages domestic and foreign enterprises and other organizations to invest in the construction and operation of CRC. The legitimate rights and interests of investors are protected by law.

The matters of investment and financing of CRC construction are in the charge of the special organization for CRC investment and financing designated by the municipal people's government.

Article 13 The prospecting, design, construction work and supervision of the construction project of CRC engineering shall observe the technical standards set by the State and this Municipality, and conform to the technical provisions concerning the protection of surrounding buildings and structures as well as other related facilities.

The prospecting, design, construction work and supervision of the construction project of CRC engineering shall be undertaken by the unit with appropriate qualification grade through public bidding.

Article 14 The CRC construction shall conform to the requirements of the standards of CRC operating function arrangement.

The CRC project construction unit, when organizing the design and construction of engineering project, shall arrange safe and reliable operation facilities and service facilities (including public toilets), build a perfect CRC safety monitoring and rescue security system to ensure the passengers'riding safety and convenience.

Article 15 Upon the completion of CRC engineering, the CRC project construction unit shall, according to the design standard, organize the preliminary testing of the engineering. The completed engineering with basic operation qualification shall be affirmed by relevant departments and experts organized by the MCTA, and shall be allowed to conduct trial operation after approval by the municipal people's government.

Upon completion, the CRC engineering shall be checked and accepted as stipulated by the relevant State provisions, and only after passing the check and acceptance, it shall be delivered for official operation.

Article 16 Within the limits of land defined by the city planning for the use of CRC, the CRC project construction unit or its entrusted CRC line operating unit shall enjoy the operating rights of real estate development, commerce and advertising activities.

Chapter III Operational Management

Article 17 The operating unit of CRC line shall be determined through public bidding. Under special circumstances, it may be also determined with approval of the municipal people's government by direct entrustment.

The way of invitation and tender of bids and the examination and approval procedure of the direct entrustment of CRC line operation shall be jointly formulated by the municipal planning administrative department and the MCTA separately according to relevant laws and regulations.

Article 18 The MCTA shall draw up the service norms of this Municipality's CRC operation. The CRC line operating unit shall fulfill the requirements of the service norms to ensure normal operation of CRC, conveying passengers safely and punctually.

The CRC line operating unit shall publish in conspicuous places of stations the first and last running time of trains, notes of train's running state and directions on transfer. If the train is late more than 15 minutes for some reason or the adjustment is needed for the first or last running time, a notice shall be put up timely to inform the passengers.

Article 19 The operator, dispatcher and other post staff of the CRC line operating unit shall pass the qualification test by the MCRCAS before getting on post by certificate.

The staff of CRC line operating unit shall wear uniforms and signs, attend to passengers politely, offer service in a civilized way, announce arrivals timely, and broadcast clearly.Article 20

The ticket price of CRC shall coordinate with the ticket price of other public communication of this Municipality. For determination and adjustment of ticket price, hearings shall be held in accordance with the relevant provisions, opinions broadly solicited from all sides of society, and approval obtained from the Municipal People's Government after examined and verified by the municipal price control administrative department.

The CRC line operating unit shall implement the ticket price approved by the municipal people's government and make it public. The municipal price control administrative department shall supervise and inspect the implementation of CRC ticket price.

The MCTA shall work out the uniform CRC ticket that is convenient for the passengers to transfer.

Article 21 The CRC line operating unit shall provide safe and convenient passenger transport service, ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of passengers.

When a breakdown occurs in the running course of CRC and affects operation, the CRC line operating unit shall organize forces to fix the breakdown in time and restore operation. If the operation cannot be restored in a short time, the CRC line operating unit shall organize the dispersion and transfer of passengers.

If CRC cannot run normally due to a breakdown, the passenger with a valid ticket has the right to request the CRC line operating unit to refund the original ticket price.

Article 22 The MCTA shall work out"Rules of CRC Passengers". Passengers shall observe the"Rules of CRC Passengers"when entering the station and taking a ride.

Article 23 The passenger shall take a ride with a valid ticket. For those who take a ride without ticket or with an invalid ticket, the CRC line operating unit may collect retroactively the ticket money at the total one-way ticket price, and may collect less than five times the ticket money in addition.

Article 24 The following acts are prohibited within the area of CRC facilities:

(1) Intercepting the train;

(2) Entering rails or tunnels

(3) Climbing or striding over enclosure, bars, railings, revolving brakes;

(4) Forcedly getting on or off

(5) Smoking, spitting, urinating or defecating, throwing up chewing gum residue, littering peels, paper scraps or odds and ends

(6) Bringing cat, dog and other pets along;

(7) Scribbling, scrawling, cutting or posting bills without authorization;

(8) Without authorization, pitching stalls, making a living as a performer or engaging in sales activity;

(9) Panhandling, lying on the ground;

(10) Other acts in violation of provisions of laws and regulations.

Article 25 Passengers are forbidden to carry inflammable, explosive, poisonous, radioactive, corrosive or other dangerous substances on board.

The CRC line operating unit has the right to make safety inspection on articles carried by passengers and order any passenger carrying inflammable, explosive, poisonous or radioactive, corrosive and dangerous articles that jeopardize public safety, to leave the station. In case of refusal to leave the station, such a passenger shall be transferred to the public security department to be dealt with according to law.

Article 26 The construction unit of CRC project shall follow the provisions on the administration of fire control and accident rescue, and set up fire-fighting, anti-floods, protection, alarm, and rescue equipment and installation in the facilities of CRC. The CRC line operating unit shall keep the above-mentioned equipment and installation in a good state.

In case of fire, flood or other emergency, the staff of the CRC line operating unit shall immediately report to the police, and take measures to extinguish fire, drain off water and remove the danger, and take other emergency rescue measures.

Article 27 The public security department shall be responsible for the security administration of CRC, and shall maintain the security order of CRC.

Power, water supply, communication and related units shall guarantee the need of CRC for power, water and communication, assisting the CRC line operating unit in ensuring the normal operation of CRC.

Article 28 The MCRCAS and the CRC line operating unit shall institute the system of handling complaints, and accept passengers'complaints against acts in violation of the provisions of these Regulations concerning operation and against service quality.

The CRC line operating unit shall make a reply within 10 work days from the date of receiving complaints. If disagrees with the reply, the passenger may appeal to the MCRCAS.

The MCRCAS shall make a reply within 15 work days from the date of receiving the passenger's complaint or appeal.

Chapter IV Management of Facilities

Article 29 The CRC line operating unit shall be responsible for the management and maintenance of CRC facilities. The CRC line operating unit shall make regular inspection, timely maintenance and renovation of operation facilities and service amenities, ensuring the CRC facilities in a state of availability for safe operation, keeping the equipment such as ticket selling and inspecting, automatic escalators, vehicles, ventilation and lighting in good condition, maintaining the stations and railway carriages clean and tidy, and making entrances, exits and passages unimpeded and all signs conspicuous.

The CRC line operating unit shall install public telephone, litter-box and other necessary service amenities at the station. Advertisements set up in the stations and vehicles shall be legal, normalized, well-laid-out and civilized.

Article 30 The CRC shall have safety protection areas, whose scope is set below:

(1) Within 50 meters from the outside of outer sideline of the underground station and tunnel;

(2) Within 30 meters from the outside of outer sideline of the ground station and elevated station and railway line;

(3) Within 10 meters from the outside of outer sideline of entrance, exit, ventilation pavilion, transformer sub-station and other buildings and structures.

Article 31 When the following operations are conducted in the CRC safety protection area, the operation plan shall have approval of the MCRCAS and take appropriate measures of safety protection:

(1) Erecting or demolishing buildings and structures;

(2) Engaging in construction work operations of piling, digging, underground pushing ahead, blasting, erecting, making water subsided, and reinforcing foundations;

(3) Other activities of increasing or reducing load on large area.

The MCRCAS shall first submit the scheme for the above-mentioned operation to related units for technical examination. When a CRC engineering is under construction, the scheme for the above-mentioned operation shall be submitted to the construction unit of CRC project for technical examination. When the CRC engineering project is completed and delivered for operation, the scheme for the above-mentioned operation shall be submitted to the CRC line operating unit for technical examination. After that the MCRCAS, based on the opinion of the technical examination, has decided whether it approved with the operation scheme, it shall timely notify the related construction unit of CRC project or line operating unit of its decision.

Article 32 The construction unit of CRC project or line operating unit shall follow the opinion of technical examination, and make routine supervision over safety of the operations provided under Article 31 clause 1.

If operations are conducted in the CRC safety protection area without approval, the construction unit of CRC project or line operating unit shall notify that such operations should be stopped immediately, and report them to the MCRCAS. If operations are conducted in the CRC safety protection area with approval but there arise in the process of operations conditions that endanger the safety of CRC, the construction unit of CRC project or line operating unit shall notify that such operations should be stopped immediately, and take appropriate safety measures, and report the case to the MCRCAS at the same time.

Article 33 No building or structure blocking the lookout of the running train shall be erected, nor trees blocking the lookout of the running train shall be planted on the inner side of any curve of CRC line.

To abandon odds and ends and garbage in the CRC area is prohibited.

Article 34 It is prohibited to park vehicles, pile up odds and ends, and pitch stalls at random affecting the entry and exit of passengers at the entrance and exit of CRC station.

Article 35 The following acts of endangering CRC facilities are prohibited:

(1) Putting to use emergency or safety installations under a non-emergency state;

(2) Damaging vehicle, tunnel, railway and their equipment, roadbed, and station facilities;

(3) Damaging and interfering mechanical and electrical equipment, cable and communication signal system;

(4) Other acts of damaging CRC facilities.

Chapter V Handling of Injuries and Deaths in Accidents

Article 36 Injuries and deaths in accidents that arise in the operation of CRC shall be handled in the principles of first rescuing the wounded, removing the obstacles, restoring normal operation in time, and then dealing with the accident, and no unit or individual person is allowed to impede the normal operation of CRC.

Article 37 When an accident with personal injuries and deaths arises in the operation of CRC, the CRC line operating unit shall keep the scene intact, and maintain order. The public security department shall make timely survey and inspection, and dispose of according to law the corpse of the dead in the accident.

Article 38 The aftermath of accident of personal injuries and deaths shall be dealt with through consultation and according to law by the CRC line operating unit and the victim.

Article 39 The CRC line operating unit shall be responsible to compensate the losses of the passengers for injuries and deaths arising in the course of transportation, except that the injury and death is caused by the passenger's own bad health or is caused intentionally by the passenger or caused by the major fault of the passenger.

For injuries and deaths of persons other than passengers caused by their intruding into, crossing or climbing over CRC facilities in violation of the rules and regulations, the CRC line operating unit shall not bear any compensation responsibility.

Chapter VI Legal Liability

Article 40 Violators of the provisions on the administration of CRC planning, investment and construction shall be dealt with according to related laws and regulations by relevant administrative departments.

Article 41 If the CRC construction does not conform to the requirements of the standard of CRC operating function arrangement stipulated in the provision of Article 14 of these Regulations with failure to provide and establish safe and reliable operation and service facilities, or failure to build a perfect system of safety monitoring and rescue security, the MCTA shall order the correction within a time limit and impose a fine of between not less than 20,000 yuan and not more than 200,000 yuan.

Article 42 An act in violation of the provision of Article 18 clause 2 of these Regulations with failure to publish or notify relevant matters as provided shall be ordered by the MCTA to make correction.

If the CRC line operating unit violates the provision of Article 19 of these Regulations by arranging posts to related staff who have not been checked up or do not offer normalized service, the MCTA shall order the operating unit to correct within a time limit, and the violation of the provision of clause 1 by arranging posts to related staff who have not been checked up may be penalized with a fine of between not less than 500 yuan and not more than 5,000 yuan.

Violation of the provision of Article 29 of these Regulations with failure to manage well and maintain the CRC facilities shall be ordered by the MCTA to do correction within a time limit, and the failure to do correction before the deadline shall be subject to a fine of between not less than 3,000 yuan and not more than 30,000 yuan.Article 43

Any person who violates the provision of Article 24 of these Regulations by doing the acts banned by Items (1), (2) and (3) shall be ordered to make correction, and be penalized with a fine under 500 yuan by the CRC line operating unit.

Any person who violates the provision of Article 24 of these Regulations by doing the acts banned by Items (5), (6),(7),(8) and (9) shall be ordered to make correction, and be penalized with a warning or a fine under 100 yuan by the CRC line operating unit.

Any person who violates the provision of Article 35 of these Regulations by endangering the CRC facilities shall be ordered to make correction, and be penalized with a fine of between not less than 500 yuan and not more than 5,000 yuan by the CRC line operating unit.

Article 44 For violation of the provision of Article 31 clause 1 of these Regulations by conducting operations in the safety protection area without approval or not according to the approved scheme for operation, the MCTA shall order the wrongdoers to make correction, and impose a fine of between not less than 20,000 yuan and not more than 200,000 yuan.

Article 45 For violation of the provision of Article 33 clause 1 of these Regulations by erecting a building or structure that blocks the lookout of the running train, the MCTA shall order the wrongdoer to make correction within a time limit. For planting trees that block the lookout of the running train, the MCTA shall order the pruning or removal of such trees within a time limit.

For violation of the provision of Article 33 clause 2, by abandoning odds and ends and garbage in the CRC area, the MCTA shall give a warning and may impose a fine of not more than 100 yuan.Article 46

For violation of the provision of Article 34, by parking vehicles, piling up odds and ends, randomly pitching stalls at the entrance and exit of the CRC station, affecting the entry and exit of passengers, the public security traffic administration department and the organization in charge of the city appearance and environmental sanitation shall handle the case according to relevant laws and regulations.

Article 47 Any person who refuses or impedes the staff of the MCTA, the MCRCAS, or the CRC line operating unit in their performance of duties according to law, or who impairs the CRC operation order, or endangers the CRC facilities in violation of the"Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Administration and Imposition of Punishment"shall be punished by the public security department according to law. If the wrongful act constitutes a crime, the wrongdoer shall be prosecuted for criminal liability according to law.

Article 48 Any person who violates the provisions of these Regulations and causes damage to the CRC facilities shall bear corresponding civil liability for compensation in addition to the administrative punishment given according to law.

If any building or structure is damaged due to the CRC construction or operation, the unit liable shall make renovation according to the degree of damage, or give appropriate economic compensation.

Article 49 The staff members of the MCTA, the MCRCAS or the CRC line operating unit who commit negligence, abuse power or engage in malpractice for selfish end shall be given administrative punishment by their work unit or higher authorities according to law. If the wrongful act constitutes a crime, the wrongdoer shall be prosecuted for criminal liability according to law.

Article 50 The party concerned, if disagreeing with the specific administrative act of the MCTA, the MCRCAS or the CRC line operating unit, may apply for administrative reconsideration or lodge an administrative lawsuit according to the provisions of the"Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Reconsideration"or the"Administrative Litigation Law of the People's Republic of China".

If the party concerned does not apply for reconsideration of the specific administrative act, nor lodges a lawsuit, nor performs the act before the deadline, the MCTA, the MCRCAS or the CRC line operating unit may apply to the people's court for enforcement.

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

Article 51 The construction, operation and management of magnetic levitation railway communication shall be conducted in reference to these Regulations.

Article 52 These Regulations shall become effective on July 1, 2002. The"Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on Administration of Underground Railway"shall be repealed at the same time.

Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress

May 21, 2002
