
: 英语巴士网行业英语法律英语行业英语内容详情




第一条 为了促进我省美容美发业的健康发展,规范美容美发服务行为,维护美容美发消费者和经营者的合法权益,根据国家有关法律、法规和商务部《美容美发业管理暂行办法》(商务部2004第19号令),制定本实施办法。

第二条 在青海省境内从事美容美发经营活动,适用本实施办法。



第三条 青海省商务厅主管全省美容美发业工作,各级商务主管部门在本行政区域内对美容美发业进行指导、协调、监督和管理。

第四条 从事美容美发经营活动的经营者,应当符合下列基本条件:





第五条 美容美发经营者应当具有明确的服务项目范围,并按照其服务项目范围提供服务,同时从事医疗美容服务的,应当符合卫生管理部门的有关规定。

第六条 鼓励美容美发经营者采用国际上先进的服务理念、管理方式和经营方式,为消费者提供优质服务。

第七条 美容美发经营者及其从业人员应当遵守国家法律、法规和相关的职业道德规范,不得从事色情服务等违法活动。

第八条 美容美发经营者应当在经营场所醒目位置上明示营业执照、卫生许可证、服务项目和收费标准等。

第九条 美容美发经营者在提供服务时应当向消费者说明服务价格。对在服务过程中销售的美容美发用品应当明码标价。对所使用的美容美发用品和器械应当向消费者展示,供消费者选择使用。


第十条 美容美发经营者在提供服务时,应当询问消费者的要求,向消费者提供与服务有关的真实信息,对消费者提出的有关产品、服务等方面的问题,应当做出真实明确的答复,不得欺骗和误导消费者。

第十一条 国家在美容美发业推行分等定级标准,实行等级评定制度,促进美容美发行业的规范化和专业化。美容美发经营者应当执行本行业的专业技术条件、服务规范、质量标准和操作规程。

第十二条 从事美容美发服务的美容师、美发师及其他专业技术人员,应当取得国家有关部门颁发的资格证书,其他从业人员应当经过有关专业组织或机构进行的培训并取得合格证书。

第十三条 美容美发服务所使用和销售的各种洗发、护发、染发、烫发和洁肤、护肤、彩妆等用品以及相应器械,应当符合国家有关产品质量和安全卫生的规定和标准,不得使用和销售假冒伪劣产品。

第十四条 美容美发经营场所应当符合有关卫生规定和标准,具有相应的卫生消毒设备和设施;从业人员必须经过卫生部门的健康检查,持健康证明上岗。

第十五条 各级商务主管部门应当加强对本行政区域内的美容美发业的管理


第十六条 省美发美容保健协会应当建立“黑名单”制度,对失信违规企业及人员进行社会公示,对于违反有关法律、法规的应当提请有关部门依法处罚,形成对失信违规行为的惩戒机制。


第十七条 省美发美容保健协会及其他中介组织应当在信息、标准、培训、信用、技术等方面积极为经营者提供服务,维护经营者的合法权益。

第十八条 省美容美发协会应当依据国家标准,在专业技术条件、服务规范、质量标准和操作规程等方面制定行规行约,加强对美容美发行业发展的引导和监督,做好行业自律工作。

第十九条 各级商务主管部门和行业协会对于违反本实施办法的美容美发经营者可以予以警告,令其限期改正;必要时,可以向社会公告。对依据有关法律、法规予以处罚的,各级商务主管部门和行业协会可以提请有关部门依法处罚。

第二十条 本实施办法由省商务厅负责解释。

第二十一条 本实施办法自印发之日起实行。


Qinghai Administration and Implementation Measures on Beauty Industry

Article 1. For the purpose of promoting the health development of the beauty industry, regulating the beauty service and maintaining lawful rights and interests of its proprietors and consumers, the measures are enacted in accordance with related laws and regulations of the country as well as Ministry of Commerce Decree N0.19, 2004 on Temporary Administrative Measures on Beauty Industry.

Article 2. The measures apply for beauty industry in territory of the Qinghai province.

Facial beautification (beauty treatment) mentioned in the measures refers to business service for customers such as non-hurt and non-incursion skin cleaning, maintenance and face dressing on the cuticle of the body with help of certain cosmetology, instruments and cosmetics.

Hairdressing mentioned in the measures refers to business service for customers such as design of hairstyle, hair quality maintenance with help of certain techniques, instruments and commodities for hair washing, hair dry and marcel.

Article 3. Qinghai Commercial Office superintends the whole work of beauty industry. Commercial administrative departments at all levels will be responsible for the direction, coordination, supervision and management of the beauty industry in their administrative directs.

Article 4. Qualified proprietors should fulfill the following requirements:

(1) The proprietors should be able to take civil liabilities.

(2) The proprietors should have fixed sites for business operations.

(3) Relevant facilities of the business services.

(4) Specialized technical personnel with relevant certificates.

Article 5. Proprietors of beauty industry should make clear the scope of services, and serve their customers. Those engaged in medical beauty services should be up to related regulations of sanitary administrations.

Article 6. Proprietors of beauty industry are encouraged to serve their customers with knight services through international advanced service theories, management and methods.

Article 7. Proprietors and practitioners of beauty industry should follow laws, regulations and related professional ethics of the nation. All kinds of illegal operations such as eroticism service are prohibited.

Article 8. Business license, hygienic license, service items and charging standards should be placed to be striking in the site of business operation.

Article 9. Proprietors of beauty industry should tell the price of services when serving customers. All commodities for beauty treatment can only be sold at marked prices. Commodities and instruments used for beauty treatment should be introduced to customers for selection. Consumption voucher or documents of service should be provided to consumers as well.

Article 10. Proprietors should inquire the requirements of customers and tell them related information honestly. Clear and real answer on commodities and services should be made to customers. No cheating and misguidance.

Article 11. Grade assessment system is implemented in beauty industry to promote its standardization and specialization. Proprietors should follow the professional technical conditions, service specifications, quality standards and operating instructions.

Article 12. Beauticians, hairdressers and other specialized technical personnel engaged in beauty industry should get relevant certificates issued by concerned departments of the country. Other practitioners should have taken the training courses of related organizations and institutions, and got certificates of competency.

Article 13. All commodities and instruments used and sold in beauty parlor should be up to the related specifications for quality, safety and sanitation. All kinds of sham products are prohibited from being used and sold.

Article 14. The beauty parlor should be up to related hygienic regulations and specifications and equipped with relevant hygienic disinfection facilities and measures; practitioners should pass through the examination of sanitation administrations and get to work with health certifications.

Article 15. Commercial administrative departments at all levels should enhance administration and coordination in the administration districts; together with relevant sectors and intermediary services to set up coordinating mechanism to regulate market order of beauty industry and enterprises operation as well, severely punish those of business cheating, and give battles against illegal activities such as operation without license, fake and inferior goods, false advertisement and so on.

Article 16. The provincial health care association on beauty industry should set up “blacklist” to announce enterprises and personals with bad credit. Those offend relevant laws and regulations will be reported to relevant departments for proper punishments.

Proprietors of beauty industry should register in the local chambers of commerce of beauty industry.

Article 17. The provincial health care association and other intermediary services may provide services to business proprietors on fields of information, specification, training, credit and technique, and defend their lawful rights and interests.

Article 18. The provincial health care association should establish regulations on professional technique conditions, services criteria, quality standards and processing rules, enhancing work of guidance, supervision and self-discipline.

Article 19. Commercial administrative departments at all levels may warn those proprietors who violate the measures and command them to follow the measures. They may also make announcement if necessary. For those who should be published according to related laws and regulations, commercial administrative departments at all levels may call attention of the concerned departments and give certain punishments.

Article 20. Qinghai Commercial Office is responsible for the interpretation of the measures.

Article 21. The measures will take effect as from its printing and distribution.

May 19,2005
