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(October 3, 1996)
颁布日期:19961003  实施日期:19961003  颁布单位:国务院办公厅

The “Suggestions submitted by the Press and Publication Administration and the State Science and Technology Commission Concerning the Strengthening of the Work of Science and Technology Publication” has been approved by the State Council and is hereby transmitted to you for implementation.

Appendix: Suggestions Concerning the Strengthening of the Work of Science and Technology Publication

Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the science and technology publication work of our country has scored outstanding achievements in promoting economic construction, reform and opening up, advancement of science and technology and improving the quality of the nationals by adhering to the basic line of the Party, the orientation of serving the people and the cause of socialism, by persevering in subordinating itself to and serving the overall Party and national work. Meanwhile, science and technology undertakings have made sufficient progress and the basically matching systems of publication, printing and circulation have taken shape with relatively complete categories of publications and with the links of editing, printing, circulation and materials supply. Electronic publications and audio-visual publications have been brought out with the development and widespread application of electronic information technology, expanding and extending the areas of science and technology publication.

The “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on the Acceleration of the Progress of Science and Technology” has put forward the implementation of the strategy of reinvigorating the country through development of science and education and decided on the guiding thought of promoting the development of the national economy and construction of our country by way of the progress of science and technology. The Fifth Plenary Session of the Fourteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has put forth a splendid trans-century program for the socio-economic development of our country raising new and higher standards for the undertakings of publication of science and technology. To this end, the opportunity must be seized to strengthen vigorously the work of the publication of science and technology and promote the prosperity of the publishing industry of science and technology, with a view to making greater contributions to the promotion of the progress of science and technology, the implementation of the strategy of reinvigorating the country through the development of science and education and the strategy of sustainable development.

1. The Guiding Principle and Main Tasks of the Publication Work of Science and Technology

The undertakings of publication of science and technology constitute a part of the publishing industry. It is also an important component of the cause of science and technology. The important role played by the publication work of science and technology in scientific research, dissemination of science and technology, promotion of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, training of scientific and technological personnel, improvement of the quality of the entire nation in science, technology and culture, liquidation of foolishness and superstition and the strengthening of the building up of spiritual civilization must be fully realized.

Under the new situation, science and technology publication work must adhere to Comrade Deng Xiaoping's theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Party's basic line, hold on to the orientation of serving the people and the cause of socialism. The thought that “science and technology constitute the primary productive force ”must be resolutely put into practice and efforts be made in accelerating the progress of science and technology, promoting economic development and improving the quality of the nationals. Science and technology publication work must adhere to the principle of putting social effects first, integration of social effects and economic results, putting quality first and “orienting towards megr-science and technology while basing oneself on his or her own specialty”。

The main tasks of science and technology publication work are as follows: the national development plan for science and technology publication undertakings shall be worked out in real earnest, the reform of science and technology publication system deepened, quality of personnel in the publishing industry improved and standards of technical equipment in the publishing industry raised, arrangements made for the publication of rich colorful and multi-level science and technology works, science and technology teaching materials, science popularization publications and science and technology periodicals which meet the requirements of society, forming a multi-channel, multi-level and plural science and technology publication and distribution network with Xinhua Bookstore as the leading body, center in ground the strategy of reinvigorating the country through the development of science and education and the sustainable development strategy and with the objectives of dissemination of scientific and technological information, popularization of scientific and technological know-how, extension of scientific and technological achievements, training of scientific and technological personnel, improvement of the quality of the whole nation in science and culture and in accordance with the requirements of the Party and State for the development of science and technology publication undertakings.

2. Deepening of the Reform of Science and Technology Publication System

The deepening of the reform of science and technology publication system is the key to the smooth implementation and completion of the various tasks of science and technology publication work during the new period. Further reform and perfection of science and technology publication system shall be effected in accordance with the requirements of establishing the system of socialist market economy, the building of socialist spiritual civilization and the inherent laws of science and technology publication.

The internal reform of science and technology publication units shall be further deepened, centering round fostering and standardizing the market for publications, gradually establishing modern management system of science and technology publication, raising business operational and managerial levels and reducing cost; optimization of topic selection and structural adjustment in the publication of books shall be effected so as to improve scale efficiency, adapt ability, competitiveness and self-development capability of science and technology publication units.

Science and technology publication units shall practice the on-job qualification certificate system and multi-level responsibility system of the director and the chief editor(editor-in-chief), the responsibility system of the units-in-charge or of the sponsoring units, the responsibility system of the director and the chief editor(editor-in-chief), and the on-job responsibility system in publishing houses and in the offices of periodicals. Competitive mechanisms shall be introduced step by step into the operations and management of science and technology publication. There shall be open competition in employment and promotion of editing, publication and distribution personnel, forming the science and technology publication personnel management system of fair competition, coordination, cooperation, rational mobility and to each according to his or her ability.

To effect a change in the state of over minute division of labor, over narrowness of specialties, dispersion of strength and loose integration with science and technology undertakings in a number of science and technology publication units, experiments shall be carried out in horizontal association of science and technology publication units and establishment of science and technology publication groups. Encouragement shall be given to science and technology publication units in centralization of strength, coordination in division of labor and joint compilation, writing, translation and publication.

Quality assurance mechanism for science and technology publications shall be established and perfected. Topic selection study system and the three examination system of book drafts(primary examination by the executive editor, associate examination by the chief of the editorial office and final examination by the editor-in-chief) shall be adhered to, and editing, proofreading and finished product quality inspection shall be done well in real earnest in strict accordance with the relevant requirements of the state concerning the quality grade standards and contents of publications.

A rational structure of science and technology publications in basic theories, applied science and technology and science popularization shall be shaped in accordance with the requirements of economic construction and the development of science and technology undertakings. Strong measures shall be taken to avoid repetition in publication, reduce mediocre publications and those prepared in a rough and slipshod way, fight acts of pirating and plagiarism in science and technology publications so as to improve the overall quality of science and technology publications.

Reform of the distribution system constitutes an important link in the on-going reform of science and technology publication system. Xinhua Bookstores at all levels shall do a good job of the distribution of science and technology publication in all seriousness. A study and improvement of the distribution of science and technology publications shall be made, proceeding from the requirements truly instrumental to the development of science and technology and to satisfy the readers. Encouragement and support shall be given to the establishment of the network and points of distribution of science and technology publications and specialized science and technology bookstores, in accordance with the principle of more channels and less links in book circulation, while enhancing the role of Xinhua Bookstores as the main channel. The central cities shall establish a group of specialized science and technology bookstores or chain bookstores for science and technology. Xinhua Bookstores at the county level and the supply and marketing cooperatives shall, in all seriousness, do a good job of the distribution of science and technology publications as an important work. Special attention shall be paid to the publication and distribution of books on agro-science and technology. Publication and distribution of reading materials of science and technology oriented toward the rural areas and conducive to the shaping of scientific thinking of the farmers, mastery of scientific methods, scientific knowledge and applied agro-techniques shall be placed in a prominent and important position.

Correct guidance and assistance shall be given and administration stepped up with respect to the distribution of science and technology publications by collectively-owned and individually-owned bookstores.

Standardized reward and punishment mechanism shall be set up. Units and individuals making outstanding contributions shall be rewarded in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state; publication units or individuals in violation of the regulations and disciplines shall be investigated and dealt with seriously.

3. Strengthening of Leadership and Administration

All regions and all departments concerned shall, in real earnest, formulate development plans for science and technology publication and include in their agenda science and technology publication as an important work. The work of science and technology publication shall be included in the annual conference on science and technology and solutions to the practical questions in the work of science and technology publication sought in earnest. Departments of press and publication administration and science and technology administration at all levels shall closely coordinate with each other, seriously study and formulate policies and rules favorable to the development of science and technology publication undertakings and try their best to help solve the practical difficulties of science and technology publication in the management of the industry.

In accordance with the objectives of economic construction and development of science and technology, the department of press and publication administration of the state in conjunction with the department of science and technology administration and other departments concerned shall formulate mid-term and long-term development plans for science and technology publication and publication plans for important science and technology publications, and organize science and technology publication units throughout the country in the cooperation in division of labor and in their comprehensive implementation. All regions and all departments shall include the plans for science and technology publication in the development plans for science and technology, and include the publication of key science and technology books and periodicals of all categories in the development items of science and technology of the state and the localities, provide guidance and make arrangements for their implementation. All science and technology publication units shall likewise formulate their respective plans of key topic selection for science and technology publication on the basis of comprehensive investigation and full studies.

4. Creating Good Environmental Conditions for Science and Technology Publication

All regions and departments shall make arrangements for a certain amount of funds in the expenditure for scientific research in support of the publication of major works of science and technology, reading materials for science popularization and major translations of science and technology. The state finance has already appropriated special fund for the establishment of the state foundation for the publication of academic works on science and technology which is oriented toward the whole country in subsidy for the publication of important science and technology publication of the state on merit.

In accordance with the provisions relating to the publication of books on own expenses, science and technology publication units may make use of social forces and funds in the publication of academic works on natural science and engineering technology for scientific research, teaching, enterprises, institutions, specialists and scholars so as to expand the channel of science and technology publication.

Reward of excellent special works on science and technology, teaching materials on science and technology and reading materials for science popularization shall be further promoted, and excellent special works on science and technology, teaching materials on science and technology and reading materials for science popularization shall be included in the assessment and selection for reward for the state award for the advancement of science and technology.

Modernization of the science and technology publication units shall be stepped up by promoting technological transformation and renewal of equipment and employing modern scientific and technological means to continuously improve technical levels and labor productivity. Attention should be paid to the application of new high-technology in science and technology publication, development of electronic publication and fostering the market for such new publications as audio-visual publications and electronic publications.

5. Active Development of Cooperation and Exchange with Foreign Countries in Science and Technology Publication

International cooperation and exchange is one of the important ways in promoting the development of science and technology publication undertakings of our country. Attention shall be paid to the introduction of excellent reading materials on science and technology from abroad in accordance with the requirements of the development of science and technology publication of our country. In the meantime, measures shall be taken to step up the export of science and technology publications, develop and widen the world market and promote exchange with foreign countries.

Attention shall be paid to the introduction of science and technology books which are of positive significance to the socio-economic development and scientific and technological progress of our country from abroad by way of copyright trade in a planned way for timely translation and publication in the country. In the meantime, translation and publication of China's excellent books on science and technology abroad shall be promoted. Copyright management shall be strengthened and efforts intensified in the enforcement of law to protect intellectual property rights.

6. Active Training of the Trans-Century Ranks for Science and Technology Publication

Strengthening the building up of leader groups. Selection and promotion shall be made for leading positions of science and technology publication units of persons of good political quality, familiar with science and technology publication business and having high management skills. Training, selection and promotion of trans-century young talents for science and technology publication and management shall be done well.

Strengthening the building up of science and technology publication ranks. Professional training and vocational moral education of all categories of personnel of science and technology shall be conducted and the on-job qualification certificate system shall be gradually introduced. Editors, in particular, shall renew their knowledge, improve their professional level and reinforce the enterprising spirit. Personnel in editorial work must have a professional qualification of at least university graduate.
