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颁布日期:20000620  实施日期:20000620  颁布单位:科学技术部、 国家工商行政管理局

GuoKeFaZhengZi [2000] No.255

June 20, 2000

The science and technology departments (science and technology commissions) and administrations for industry and commerce of provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government and municipalities listed on the State plan:

With a view to improving work efficiency of the examination and authentication of investment with high/new technological research findings in exchange for shares and simplifying the related procedures, in accordance with related provisions of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce Concerning the Examination and Authentication Procedures of Investment with High/new Technological Research Findings in Exchange for Shares (GuoKeFaZhengZi [1998] No.171 and GuoKeFaZhengZi [1999] No.351), if the examination and authentication result of the Ministry of Science and Technology is required, the Ministry shall authorize its Department of Policies, Regulations and System Reform and inform the Business Registration Bureau of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce or other local administrations for industry and commerce in the form of departmental circular. If the authentication result does not belong to high/new technology, the concerned enterprise shall be informed by the Department of Policies, Regulations and System Reform of the Ministry of Science and Technology in the form of departmental circular.ll be informed by the Department of Policies, Regulations and System Reform of the Ministry of Science and Technology in the form of departmental circular.
