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英文法律词典 A-7


ABBREVIATIONS and abbreviated references. The following list, though necessarily incomplete, may be useful to some readers. A, a, the first letter of the alphabet, is sometimes used in the ancient law books to denote that the paging is the first of that number in the book. As an abbreviation, A is used for anonymous.

A. & A. on Corp. Angell & Ames on Corporations. Sometimes cited Ang. on Corp.A. B. Anonymous Reports, printed at the end of Bendloe's Reports. A. D. Anno Domini, in the year of our LordA. & E. Adolphus and Ellis' Reports.A. & E. N. S. Adolphus & Ellis' Queen's Bench Reports, New Series, commonly cited Q. B.A. & F. on Fixt. Amos & Ferard on Fixtures.A. K. Marsh. A. K. Marshall's (Kty.) Reports.Ab. or Abr. Abridgement.Abr. Ca. Eq.Abridgement of cases in Equity.Abs. Absolute. Ab. Sh. Abbott on Shipping.Acc. Accord or Agrees.Act. Acton's Reports.Act. Reg. Acta Regia.Ad. Eject. Adams on Ejectment.Ad. & Ell. Adolphus & Ellis' Reports.Ad. finn. Ad finem. At or near the ond.Ads. Ad sectum, videAts.Addam's R. Addam's Ecclesiastical Reports. In E. Eccl. Rep.Addis on Contr. Addison on the Law of Contracts and on Parties to actions ex contractu.Addis. R. Addison's Reports.Admr. Administrator.Ady. C. M.Adye on Courts Martial.Aik. R. Aiken's Reports.Al. Aleyn's Cases.Al. Alinea. Al et. Et alii, and others.Al.& N. Alcock & Napier's Reports.Ala. R. Alabama Report.Alc. Reg. G. Alcock's Registration Case.Ald. Van Hoes. Dig. A Digest of the Laws of Mississippi, by T. J. FoxAlden and J. A. Yan Hoesen.Aldr. Hilt. Aldridge's History of the Court of Law.Alis. Prin.Alison's Principles of the Criminal Law of Scotland.All. Mor. Tr. Allen and Morris' Trial.Alley. L. D. of Mar. Alleyne's Legal Degrees of Marriage considered.Alln. Part. Allnat on Partition.Am. America, American, orAmericana.Amb. Ambler's Reports.Am. Fer. on. Fixt. Amos & Ferard on Fixtures.Amer. America, American, or Americana.Amer. Dig. American Digest.Amer. Jur. American Jurist.An. Anonymous.And . Anderson's Reports.Ander. Ch. War. Anderdon on Church Warden.Andr. Andrew's Report.Ang. on Adv. Enj. Angell's Inquiry into the rule of law which creates a right to an incorporeal hereditament, by an adverse enjoyment of twenty years.Ang. on Ass. Angell's Practical Summary of the Law of Assignment in trust for creditors.Ang. on B. T. Angell on Bank Tax.Ang. on Corp. Angell on the Law of Private Corporations.Ang. on Limit. Angell's Treatise on the Limitation of Actions at Law, and Suits in Equity.Ang. on Tide Wat. Angell on the right of property in Tide Waters.Ang. on Water Courses. Angell on the Common Law in relation to Water Courses.Ann.Anne; as 1 Ann. c. 7.Anna. Annaly's Reports. This book is usually cited Cas. Temp. Hardw.Annesl. on Ins. Annesley on Insurance.Anstr.Anstruther's Reports.Anth. Shep. Anthon's editon's of Sheppard's Touchstone.Ap. Justin. Apud Justinianum, or Justinian's Institutes.App.Apposition.Appx. Appendix.Arch Archbold. Arch. Civ. Pl. Archbold's Civil Pleadings. Arch. Cr. Pl. Archbold's Criminal Pleadins. Arch. Pr. Archbold's Practice. Arch. B. L. Archbold's Bankrupt law. Arch. L. & T.Archbold on the Law of Landlord and Tenant. Arch. N. P. Archbold's Law of nisi Prius.Arg. Argumento, by an argument drawn from such a law. it also signifies arguendo.Arg. Inst. Institution au Droit Francais, par M. Argou.Ark. Rep. Arkansas Reports. See Pike's Rep.Ark. Rev. Stat.Arkansas Revised Statutes.Art. ArticleAshm. R. Ashmead's ReportsAso & Man. Inst. Aso and Manuel's institutes of the Laws of Spain.Ass. or Lib.Ass. Liber Assissarium, or Pleas of the Crown.Ast. Ent. Aston's Entries.Atherl. on Mar. Atherley on the Law of Marriage and other Family Settlements.Atk. Atkyn's Reports.Atk. P. T. Atkyn's Parliamentary Tracts.Atk. on Con. Atkinson on Conveyancing.Atk. on Tit. Atkinson on Marketable Titles.Ats. in practice, is an abbreviation for the words "at suit of," and is used when the defendant files any pleadings; for example: when the defendant enters a plea he puts his name before that of the plaintiff, reversing the order in which they are on the record. C.D.(the defendant,) ats A.B. (the plaintiff.)Aust. on Jur. The Province of Jurisprudence determind, by John AustinAuth. Authentica, in theAuthentic; that is, the Summary of some of the Novels of the Civil Law inserted in the code under such a title.Ay. Ayliff'es Pandect.Ayl.Parerg. Ayliffe's Parergon juris canonici Anglicani.Azun. Mar. Law.Azuni's Maritime Law of Europe.
