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英文法律词典 S-98


SUITE. Those persons, who by his authority, follow or attend an ambassador or other public minister.

2. In general the suite of a minister are protected from arrest, and the inviolability of his person is communicated to those who form his suite. Vattel, lib. 4, c. 9, §120. See 1 Dall. 177; Baldw. 240; and Ambassador.

SUITOR. One who is a party to a suit or action in court. One who is a party to an action. In its ancient sense, suitor meant one Who was bound to attend the county court, also, one who formed part of the secta. (q. v.)

SULTAN. The title of the Turkish sovereign and other Mabometan princes.

SUMMARY PROCEEDINGS. When cases are-to be adjudged promptly, without any unnecessary form, the proceedings are said to be summary.

2. In no case can the party be tried summarily unless when such proceedings are authorized by legislative autliority, except perhaps in the cases of contempts, for the common law is a stranger to such a mode of trial. 4 Bl. Com. 280; 20 Vin. Ab. 42; Boscawen on Conv.; Paley on Convict.; vide Convictions.

SUMMING UP, practice. The act of making a speech before a court and jury, after all the evidence has been heard, in favor of one of the parties in the cause, is called summing up. When the judge delivers his charge to the jury, he is also said to sum up the evidence in the case. 6 Harg. St. Tr. 832; 1 Chit. Cr. Law, 632.

2. In summing up, the judge should, with much precision and clearness, state the issues joined between the parties, and what the jury are required to find, either in the affirmative or negative. He should then state the substance of the plaintiff's claim and of the defendant's ground of defence, and so much of the evidence as is adduced for each party, pointing out as he proceeds, to which particular question or issue it respectively applies, taking care to abstain as much as possible from giving an opinion as to the facts. It is his duty clearly to state the law arising in the case in such terms as to leave no doubt as to his meaning, both for the purpose of directing the jury, and with a view of correcting, on a review of the case on a motion for a new trial, or on a writ of error, any error he may, in the hurry of the trial, have committed. Vide 8 S. & R. 150; 1 S. & R. 515; 4 Rawle, R. 100, 195, 356; 2 Penna. R. 27; 2 S. & R. 464. Vide Charge; Opinion, (Judgment.)
