中华人民共和国婚姻法 5
第五章救助措施与法律责任 Chapter V Succour Measures and Legal Liability 第四十三条实施家庭暴力或虐待家庭成员,受害人有权提出请求,居民委员会、村民委员会以及所在单位应当予以劝阻、调解。 Article 43 In regard to the domestic violence to or maltreatment of family member(s), the victim shall have the right to make a request, and the neighborhood or villager committee as well as the units in which the parties concerned work shall dissuade the wrongdoer, and offer mediation. 对正在实施的家庭暴力,受害人有权提出请求,居民委员会、村民委员会应当予以劝阻;公安机关应当予以制止。 In regard to the domestic violence being committed, the victim shall have the right to make a request, the neighborhood or villager committee shall dissuade the wrongdoer, and the public security organ shall stop the violence. 实施家庭暴力或虐待家庭成员,受害人提出请求的,公安机关应当依照治安管理处罚的法律规定予以行政处罚。 If, in regard to the domestic violence to or maltreatment of family member(s), the victim makes a request, the public security organ shall subject the wrongdoer to administrative penalty in accordance with the relevant provisions of administrative sanctions for public order. 第四十四条对遗弃家庭成员,受害人有权提出请求,居民委员会、村民委员会以及所在单位应当予以劝阻、调解。 Article 44 In regard to the desertion of one family member by another, the victim shall have the right to make a request, and the neighborhood or villager committee as well as the units in which the parties concerned work shall dissuade the wrongdoer and offer mediation. 对遗弃家庭成员,受害人提出请求的,人民法院应当依法作出支付扶养费、抚养费、赡养费的判决。 If, in regard to the desertion of one family member by another, the victim makes a request, the people's court shall pass a judgment on the effecting of maintenance, upbringing and support payments according to law. 第四十五条对重婚的,对实施家庭暴力或虐待、遗弃家庭成员构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。受害人可以依照刑事诉讼法的有关规定,向人民法院自诉;公安机关应当依法侦查,人民检察院应当依法提起公诉。 Article 45 If bigamy, domestic violence to or maltreatment and desertion of family member(s) constitute a crime, the criminal responsibility of the wrongdoer shall be investigated according to law. The victim may institute a voluntary prosecution in a people's court in accordance with the relevant provisions of the criminal procedure law. The public security organ shall investigate the case according to law and the people's procuratorate shall initiate a public prosecution according to law. 第四十六条有下列情形之一,导致离婚的,无过错方有权请求损害赔偿: Article 46 A no-fault party shall have the right to make a request for damage compensation under any of the following circumstances bringing about divorce: 重婚的; (1)bigamy; (二)有配偶者与他人同居的; (2)cohabitation of a married person with any third party; (三)实施家庭暴力的; (3)domestic violence; and (四)虐待、遗弃家庭成员的。 (4)maltreatment and desertion of one family member by another. 第四十七条离婚时,一方隐藏、转移、变卖、毁损夫妻共同财产,或伪造债务企图侵占另一方财产的,分割夫妻共同财产时,对隐藏、转移、变卖、毁损夫妻共同财产或伪造债务的一方,可以少分或不分。离婚后,另一方发现有上述行为的,可以向人民法院提起诉讼,请求再次分割夫妻共同财产。 Article 47 When the couple's joint property is divided, the party may get smaller or no share of the property if he or she conceals, transfers, sells off, destroys the couple's joint property, or forges debts in an attempt to convert the other party's property at the time of divorce. After divorce, the other party, on finding the above-mentioned acts, may file an action in a people's court, and make a request for another division of the couple's joint property. 人民法院对前款规定的妨害民事诉讼的行为,依照民事诉讼法的规定予以制裁。 Regarding the acts to the prejudice of the civil litigation that are specified in the preceding paragraph, the people's court shall subject the wrongdoer to the punishment according to the provisions of the civil procedure law. 第四十八条对拒不执行有关扶养费、抚养费、赡养费、财产分割、遗产继承、探望子女等判决或裁定的,由人民法院依法强制执行。有关个人和单位应负协助执行的责任。 Article 48 In cases where the person refuses to abide by judgements or rulings on maintenance, upbringing or support payments, or on the division or inheritance of property, or on visits to children, the people's court shall enforce the execution of the judgements or rulings according to law. The individuals and units concerned shall have the duty to assist such executions.#p#分页标题#e# 第四十九条其他法律对有关婚姻家庭的违法行为和法律责任另有规定的,依照其规定。 Article 49 Where laws provide otherwise against illegal acts and for legal liability in regard to marriage and family, the provisions in such laws shall apply. |