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中华人民共和国民法通则 8


第三章 法人 第一节 一般规定 

Chapter III Legal Persons Section 1 General Stipulations 

第三十六条 法人是具有民事权利能力和民事行为能力,依法独立享有民事权利和承担民事义务的组织。 

Article 36 A legal person shall be an organization that has capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conduct and independently enjoys civil rights and assumes civil obligations in accordance with the law. 


A legal person's capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conduct shall begin when the legal person is established and shall end when the legal person terminates. 

第三十七条 法人应当具备下列条件: 

Article 37 A legal person shall have the following qualifications: 


(1) establishment in accordance with the law; 


(2) possession of the necessary property or funds; 


(3) possession of its own name, organization and premises;  


and (4) ability to independently bear civil liability. 

第三十八条 依照法律或者法人组织章程规定,代表法人行使职权的负责人,是法人的法定代表人。 

Article 38 In accordance with the law or the articles of association of the legal person, the responsible person who acts on behalf of the legal person in exercising its functions and powers shall be its legal representative. 

第三十九条 法人以它的主要办事机构所在地为住所。 

Article 39 A legal person's domicile shall be the place where its main administrative office is located. 

第四十条 法人终止,应当依法进行清算,停止清算范围外的活动。 

Article 40 When a legal person terminates, it shall go into liquidation in accordance with the law and discontinue all other activities.
