中华人民共和国教育法 4
第三章 学校及其他教育机构 CHAPTER III SCHOOLS AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS OF EDUCATION 第二十五条 国家制定教育发展规划,并举办学校及其他教育机构。 Article 25 The State formulates plans for the development of education and establishes and runs schools and other institutions of education. 国家鼓励企业事业组织、社会团体、其他社会组织及公民个人依法举办学校及其他教育机构。 The State encourages enterprises, institutions, public organizations and other social organizations, as well as individual citizens to establish and run schools or other institutions of education in accordance with law. 任何组织和个人不得以营利为目的举办学校及其他教育机构。 No organization or individual may establish or run a school or any other institution of education for profit-making purposes. 第二十六条 设立学校及其他教育机构,必须具备下列基本条件: Article 26 For the establishment of a school or any other institution of education, the following basic conditions shall be fulfilled: (一)有组织机构和章程; (1) having an organizational structure and rules and regulations; (二)有合格的教师; (2) having qualified teachers; (三)有符合规定标准的教学场所及设施、设备等; (3) having teaching premises, facilities and equipment that are up to the required standards; and (四)有必备的办学资金和稳定的经费来源。 (4) having the necessary funds for running the school as well as a stable source of funding. 第二十七条 学校及其他教育机构的设立、变更和终止,应当按照国家有关规定办理审核、批准、注册或者备案手续。 Article 27 The establishment, modification or termination of a school or any other institution of education shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, go through the formalities of examination, verification, approval and registration or filing for the record. 第二十八条 学校及其他教育机构行使下列权利: Article 28 Schools and other institutions of education shall exercise the following rights: (一)按照章程自主管理; (1) to administer school affairs independently in accordance with their rules and regulations; (二)组织实施教育教学活动; (2) to organize and conduct educational and teaching activities; (三)招收学生或者其他受教育者; (3) to enroll students or other educatees; (四)对受教育者进行学籍管理,实施奖励或者处分; (4) to manage school roll and grant awards to or take disciplinary measures against educatees; (五)对受教育者颁发相应的学业证书; (5) to grant to educatees appropriate education certificates; (六)聘任教师及其他职工,实施奖励或者处分; (6) to recruit teachers, other staff and workers and grant awards to or take disciplinary measures against them; (七)管理、使用本单位的设施和经费; (7) to manage and use the facilities and financial resources of their own; (八)拒绝任何组织和个人对教育教学活动的非法干涉; (8) to brook no unlawful interference in their educational and teaching activities by any organization or individual; and (九)法律、法规规定的其他权利。 (9) other rights prescribed by laws and regulations. 国家保护学校及其他教育机构的合法权益不受侵犯。 The State protects the lawful rights and interests of schools and other institutions of education from infringement. 第二十九条 学校及其他教育机构应当履行下列义务: Article 29 Schools and other institutions of education shall fulfil the following obligations: (一)遵守法律、法规; (1) to observe laws and regulations; (二)贯彻国家的教育方针,执行国家教育教学标准,保证教育教学质量; (2) to implement the State's educational policies, apply the standards set by the State for education and teaching and guarantee the quality of education and teaching; (三)维护受教育者、教师及其他职工的合法权益; (3) to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the educatees, teachers and other staff and workers; (四)以适当方式为受教育者及其监护人了解受教育者的学业成绩及其他有关情况提供便利; (4) to provide convenience in appropriate ways for educatees and their guardians to have access to the educatees' academic performance and other relevant information;#p#分页标题#e# (五)遵照国家有关规定收取费用并公开收费项目; (5) to collect fees according to the regulations of the State and publicize the individual items of such fees; and (六)依法接受监督。 (6) to be subjected to supervision according to law. 第三十条 学校及其他教育机构的举办者按照国家有关规定,确定其所举办的学校或者其他教育机构的管理体制。 Article 30 Organizations or individuals that establish and run schools or other institutions of education may, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State, determine the management system for the schools or other institutions of education that they establish and run. 学校及其他教育机构的校长或者主要行政负责人必须由具有中华人民共和国国籍、在中国境内定居、并具备国家规定任职条件的公民担任,其任免按照国家有关规定办理。学校的教学及其他行政管理,由校长负责。 The president or the leading administrator of a school or any other institution of education shall be a citizen of the nationality of the People's Republic of China, who has settled down within the territory of China and meets the qualifications for the post prescribed by the State, and he or she shall be appointed or removed in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State. The president of a school shall be in charge of the school's teaching and administration. 学校及其他教育机构应当按照国家有关规定,通过以教师为主体的教职工代表大会等组织形式,保障教职工参与民主管理和监督。 Schools and other institutions of education shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State guarantee that teachers, staff members and workers participate in the democratic management and supervision through the congress of teachers, staff members and workers with teachers as its main body, or through other forms. 第三十一条 学校及其他教育机构具备法人条件的,自批准设立或者登记注册之日起取得法人资格。 Article 31 A school or any other institution of education that meets the requirements for a legal person shall acquire the status of a legal person from the date on which its establishment is approved or it is registered. 学校及其他教育机构在民事活动中依法享有民事权利,承担民事责任。 A school or any other institution of education shall, in civil activities, enjoy civil rights and bear civil liabilities according to law. 学校及其他教育机构中的国有资产属于国家所有。 The State assets in a school or any other institution of education shall be owned by the State. 学校及其他教育机构兴办的校办产业独立承担民事责任。 Factories run by schools or other institutions of education shall bear civil liabilities independently. |