法庭常用词汇 1
Accused 被告 The fifteen accused, young men from different parts of England, denied the charges. 被告是15名来自英格兰各地的年轻男子,他们对指控矢口否认。 Action 诉讼 Two leading law firms are to prepare legal actions against tobacco companies. 两家很有名的律师事务所准备向烟草公司提起诉讼。 Adjudicate 裁决 The international court of justice might be a suitable place to adjudicate claims. 国际法庭或许是对所有权作出裁决的合适之地。 Adjourn (使)休庭 The court may not adjourn until three or even later. 法庭要到3点或更晚时才会休庭。 Affidavit 宣誓证言 The lawyer invited his client to subscribe the affidavit. 律师请他的客户在宣誓证言上签了名。 Appeal 上诉 We intend to appeal the verdict. 我们打算对裁决提出上诉。 Bail 保释 He was yesterday given bail by South Yorkshire magistrates. 昨天南约克郡法院准予他获得保释。 Civil action 民事诉讼 She brought a civil action against one of her neighbours. 她对她的一个邻居提出民事诉讼。 Contempt of court 藐视法庭 He faced imprisonment for contempt of court. 他因藐视法庭面临监禁。 Continuance 诉讼延期 His attorney succeeds in getting a one month continuance. 他的律师成功申请到诉讼延期1个月。 Convict 定罪 That jury will never convict me. 陪审团才不会给我定罪。 Counterclaim 反诉 The producers filed a counterclaim asserting the copyright claims were baseless. 制作人团队提起反诉,声称版权诉讼毫无根据。 |