中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 27
第四节 认定公民无民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力案件 Section 4 Cases Concerning the Adjudgment of Legal Incapacity or Restricted Legal Capacity of Citizens 第一百七十条 申请认定公民无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力,由其近亲属或者其他利害关系人向该公民住所地基层人民法院提出。 Article 170 An application for adjudgment of legal incapacity or restricted legal capacity of a citizen shall be filed by the citizen's near relatives or any other interested party with the basic people's court in the locality where the citizen has his domicile. 申请书应当写明该公民无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的事实和根据。 The application shall clearly state the fact and grounds of the citizen's legal incapacity or restricted legal capacity. 第一百七十一条 人民法院受理申请后,必要时应当对被请求认定为无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的公民进行鉴定。 "Article 171 After accepting such an application, the people's court shall, when necessary, have an expert evaluation of the citizen of whom the determination of legal incapacity or restricted legal capacity is sought; " 申请人已提供鉴定结论的,应当对鉴定结论进行审查。 "if the applicant has already provided an evaluation conclusion, the people's court shall examine such conclusion." 第一百七十二条 人民法院审理认定公民无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的案件,应当由该公民的近亲属为代理人,但申请人除外。 "Article 172 In the trial by the people's court of a case for the determination of legal incapacity or restricted legal capacity of a citizen, a near relative of the citizen shall be his agent, the applicant being excluded." 近亲属互相推诿的,由人民法院指定其中一人为代理人。 "If the near relatives of the citizen shift responsibility onto one another, the people's court shall appoint one of them as agent for the citizen. " 该公民健康情况许可的,还应当询问本人的意见。 "If the citizen's condition of health permits, the people's court shall also seek the opinion of the citizen on the matter." 人民法院经审理认定申请有事实根据的,判决该公民为无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力人;认定申请没有事实根据的,应当判决予以驳回。 "If, through the trial, the people's court finds that the application is based on facts, a judgment of legal incapacity or restricted legal capacity of the citizen shall be made; if the court finds that the application is not based on facts, it shall make a judgment rejecting the application." 第一百七十三条 人民法院根据被认定为无民事行为能力人、限制民事行为能力人或者他的监护人的申请,证实该公民无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的原因已经消除的,应当作出新判决,撤销原判决。 "Article 173 If, upon the application of a person who has been determined as one of legal incapacity or restricted legal capacity or upon the application of his guardian, the people's court confirms that the causes of that person's legal incapacity or restricted legal capacity have been eliminated, a new judgment shall be made annulling the previous one." |