History of International Women's Day
2023-11-24IntroductionInternational Women's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievemen...
International Women's Day Official UN Themes
2024-08-15.table {width:100%; border-right:1px #494949 solid; border-bottom:1px #494949 solid}.table th{border-left:1px #494949 solid; border-top:1px #494949 so...
国际妇女节 International Women's Day
2024-08-26International Women's Day (IWD), originally called International Working Women’s Day is marked on the 8th of March every year. It is a major...
2024-08-16爱思英语编者按:美国简称 US 或 USA;美国政府绰号 Uncle Sam-山姆大叔”,美国绰号 Land Of Free-自由天堂”。美国一共有五十个州和一个华盛顿特区,每个州在历史和传统上都有一个别称或绰号”,并且为官方广泛应用于州徽,州政府印章,州旗,汽车...
威廉夫妇抱小王子访动物园 与袋狸亲密接触
2024-08-05爱思英语编者按:在悉尼的一家动物园里,乔治小王子人生第一次见到澳大利亚版的复活节兔子——兔耳袋狸,小家伙开心地尖叫着。Prince George squealed with delight as he met Australia's version of the Ea...
2024-08-15爱思英语编者按:恶劣的天气,难吃的食物,脾气暴躁的人,一些人提到英国时总是首先想到这些。许多网友甚至开玩笑说,英国人这么喜欢发脾气,是因为那里老是下雨,他们还经常饿肚子。Bad weather, bad food, and grumpy people. That’s what seems...
2014年5月11日母亲节 Mother's Day
2024-08-05Mother’s Day is a day for many people to show their appreciation towards mothers and mother figures worldwide. It is an annual event but is held...
死刑犯的最后一餐Last Meals
2024-08-05In January 1985, Pizza Hut aired a commercial in South Carolina that featured a condemned prisoner ordering delivery for his last meal. Two weeks earl...
2024-08-04爱思英语编者按:英国人和美国人虽然说着相同的语言,却有着许多完全不同的处事态度与生活习惯。在很多生活细节上,你一眼就能区分出高冷的英国人和不拘小节的美国人。We all know that Britain and the US are two countries connected by a com...