
  • Luing


    by Don Paterson When the day comes, as the day surely must, when it is asked of you, and you refuse to take that lover's wound again, that cup of ...

  • Living Room Altar


    by Catherine Barnett Except for the shirt pulled from the ocean, except for her hands, which keep folding the shirt, except for her body, which once h...

  • Little Match Box


    by Tess Gallagher And if there were two moons, who would sleep when one passed before the other and took it in on its dark side? Wouldn't some ext...

  • by Miguel Hernández (Translated by Robert Bly) The onion is frost shut in and poor. Frost of your days and of my nights. Hunger and onion,black...

  • Lupine Ridge


    by Peggy Simson Curry Long after we are gone, Summer will stroke this ridge in blue; The hawk still flies above the flowers, Thinking, perhaps, the sk...

  • lynch


    by Martha Collins not as in pin, the kind that keeps the wheels turning, and not the strip of land that marks the border between two fields. unrelated...

  • Ireland, Ireland


    Down thy valleys, Ireland, Ireland,Down thy valleys green and sad,Still thy spirit wanders wailing,Wanders wailing, wanders mad.Long ago that anguish ...

  • It fell in the year of Mutiny,At darkest of the night,John Nicholson by Jalándhar came,On his way to Delhi fight.And as he by Jalándhar ...

  • I was out early to-day, spying aboutFrom the top of a haystack —— such a lovely morning ——And when I mounted again to canter b...

  • Clifton Chapel


    This is the Chapel: here, my son,Your father thought the thoughts of youth,And heard the words that one by oneThe touch of Life has turn'd to trut...