2023-11-24The last rose of summer by Thomas Moore 'Tis the last rose of summerLeft blooming alone;All her lovely companionsAre faded and gone;夏季最后玫瑰花,为何孤独放...
双语诗歌:The Truth
2023-11-24The Truth My sadness locked inside a box, kept guarded within my heart, And little do they know, that my smile is merely a bluff.Yet I lay, hoping tha...
英语散文:周而复始 如是人生
2023-11-24Harmony and unqualified happiness are natural to each and every one of us, yet here’s how a typical workday looks and feels for too many people. We wa...
抒情诗歌:Wild Geese 野雁
2023-11-24Wild Geese by Mary OliverYou do not have to be good.You do not have to walk on your kneesFor a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.You only ha...
长篇经典诗歌:Ulysses 尤利西斯(中英对照)
2023-11-24Ulysses 尤利西斯It little profits that an idle king,By this still hearth, among these barren crags,Matched with an aged wife, I mete and doleUnequal laws ...
泰戈尔优美诗歌Roaming Cloud 游云
2023-11-24Roaming Cloud by Rabindranath Tagore I am like a remnant of a cloud of autumn uselessly roaming in the sky, O my sun ever-glorious! Thy touch has not ...
普希金经典诗歌:The Wish 心愿
2023-11-24The wish by Alexander PuskinI shed tears my tears--my consolationand I am silent my murmur is deadmy soul ,sunk in a depression's shadehides in it...
2023-11-24Who has not found the heaven below Will fail of it above. God’s residence is next to mine, His furniture is love. 天堂本来在人间,不必死后寻乐园,不论我们在哪里,自有天使在身边...
现代诗赏析:Believe 请相信
2023-11-24Believe by bonnie lynn morrisBelieve just for a momentThe love you feel is trueA painting is inside your shoesAnd the work of art is youYour value is ...
经典爱情诗:Love's Secret 爱的秘密
2023-11-24Love's Secret by William BlakeNever seek to tell thy love, Love that never told can be; For the gentle wind does move Silently, invisibly. I told ...