Life is Beauty
2023-12-05Life is BeautyLife is beauty, admire it.Life is bliss, taste it.Life is a dream, realize it.Life is a challenge, meet it.Life is a duty, complete it.L...
Never Forget
2023-12-05Never ForgetYour presence is a gift to the world,You're unique and one of a kind.Your life can be what you want it to be -Take it one day at a tim...
2023-12-05The Last Rose of Summer(1)'Tis the last rose of summer这是夏日最后的玫瑰Left blooming alone;独自绽放着;All her lovely companions所有昔日动人的同伴Are faded and gone;都已凋落...
My Mary
2023-12-05威廉柯珀(1731-1800),英国早期浪漫主义的先驱诗人,出身教士家庭。主要作品包括《任务》(The Task)、《约翰?吉尔宾》(John Gilpin)等。1791年发表《荷马史诗》的译本。柯珀长期寄住于恩温家中,把不少诗篇献给慈祥的女主人玛丽。《我的玛丽》是其中感人至深的一篇。My Mary...
2023-12-05An Hour Agoby George MacbethI stood there in the twilightAnd I felt the surge of darknessAs it flooded from the raftersAnd came down to touch your doo...
When you are old
2023-12-05作者WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS 叶芝(1865-1939),用英语写作的爱尔兰诗人,早年曾参加爱尔兰独立运动,但后来脱离政治运动,专心致力与文学写作。其诗风受布莱克影响较深;后与法国诗派接触,使他的诗又带上了唯美注意和象征主义色彩。叶芝在1923年获得诺贝尔文学奖,是一位对现代诗歌具有...
What Is Success
2023-12-05What Is Successby Ralph Waldo EmersonWhat is successTo laugh often and much;To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;To ...
Life's Mystery
2023-12-05Life's MysteryLife is filled with surprises,We know not what each day may hold;Like a book we find intriguingas each page the story unfolds.How an...
Just because
2023-12-05Just because no one has been fortunateenough to realize what a gold mine you are,doesn't mean you shine any less.Just because no one has been smar...
To Night
2023-12-05Swiftly walk o'er the western wave,Spirit of Night!Out of the misty eastern cave,Where, all the long and lone daylight,Thou wovest dreams of joy a...