福尔摩斯-The Sign of the Four四签名 Chapter 1
2023-12-05Chapter 1 The Science of DeductionSherlock Holmes took his bottle from the corner of the mantel- piece and his hypodermic syringe from its neat morocc...
福尔摩斯-Study In Scarlet血字的研究 Chapter 14
2023-12-05Chapter 14 The ConclusionWE had all been warned to appear before the magistrates upon the Thursday; but when the Thursday came there was no occasion f...
福尔摩斯-Study In Scarlet血字的研究 Chapter 13
2023-12-05Chapter 13 A Continuation Of The Reminiscences Of John WatsonOUR prisoner's furious resistance did not apparently indicate any ferocity in his dis...
福尔摩斯-Study In Scarlet血字的研究 Chapter 9
2023-12-05Chapter 9 The Flower Of UtahTHIS is not the place to commemorate the trials and privations endured by the immigrant Mormons before they came to their ...
福尔摩斯-Study In Scarlet血字的研究 Chapter 10
2023-12-05Chapter 10 John Ferrier Talks With The ProphetTHREE weeks had passed since Jefferson Hope and his comrades had departed from Salt Lake City. John Ferr...
福尔摩斯-Study In Scarlet血字的研究 Chapter 11
2023-12-05Chapter 11 A Flight For LifeON the morning which followed his interview with the Mormon Prophet, John Ferrier went in to Salt Lake City, and having fo...
福尔摩斯-Study In Scarlet血字的研究 Chapter 12
2023-12-05Chapter 12 The Avenging AngelsALL night their course lay through intricate defiles and over irregular and rock-strewn paths. More than once they lost ...
福尔摩斯-Study In Scarlet血字的研究 Chapter 8
2023-12-05Chapter 8 On The Great Alkali PlainIN the central portion of the great North American Continent there lies an arid and repulsive desert, which for man...
福尔摩斯-Study In Scarlet血字的研究 Chapter 7
2023-12-05Chapter 7 Light In The DarknessTHE intelligence with which Lestrade greeted us was so momentous and so unexpected, that we were all three fairly dumfo...
福尔摩斯-Study In Scarlet血字的研究 Chapter 6
2023-12-05Chapter 6 Tobias Gregson Shows What He Can DoTHE papers next day were full of the "Brixton Mystery," as they termed it. Each had a long acco...