The Godfather 教父 Chapter 26
2023-12-05The garish suite overlooked the fake fairyland grounds in the rear of the hotel; transplanted palm trees lit up by climbers of orange lights, two huge...
The Godfather 教父 Chapter 25
2023-12-05When Kay Adams received her college degree, she took a job teaching grade school in her New Hampshire hometown. The first six months after Michael van...
The Godfather 教父 Chapter 24
2023-12-05The Sicilian sun, early-morning lemon-colored, filled Michael's bedroom. He awoke and, feeling Apollonia's satiny body against his own sleep-w...
The Godfather 教父 Chapter 23
2023-12-05After five months of exile in Sicily, Michael Corleone came finally to understand his father's character and his destiny. He came to understand me...
The Godfather 教父 Chapter 22
2023-12-05Lucy Mancini, a year after Sonny's death, still missed him terribly, grieved for him more fiercely than any lover in any romance. And her dreams w...
The Godfather 教父 Chapter 21
2023-12-05But it was to be nearly another year before Don Corleone could arrange for his son Michael to be smuggled back into the United States. During that tim...
The Godfather 教父 Chapter 20
2023-12-05The death of Santino Corleone sent shock waves through the underworld of the nation. And when it became known that Don Corleone had risen from his sic...
The Godfather 教父 Chapter 19
2023-12-05Perhaps it was the stalemate that made Sonny Corleone embark on the bloody course of attrition that ended in his own death. Perhaps it was his dark vi...
The Godfather 教父 Chapter 18
2023-12-05Amerigo Bonasera lived only a few blocks from his undertaking establishment on Mulberry Street and so always went home for supper. Evenings he returne...
The Godfather 教父 Chapter 17
2023-12-05The war of 1947 between the Corleone Family and the Five Families combined against them proved to be expensive for both sides. It was complicated by t...