福尔摩斯-马斯格雷夫礼典 The Musgrave Ritual
2023-12-05The Musgrave RitualArthur Conan DoyleAn anomaly which often struck me in the character of my friend Sherlock Holmes was that, although in his methods ...
福尔摩斯-格洛里亚斯科特”号三桅帆船 The "Gloria Scott"
2023-12-05The Gloria Scott”Arthur Conan DoyleI have some papers here,” said my friend Sherlock Holmes, as we sat one winter's night on either si...
福尔摩斯-证券经纪人的书记员 The Stockbroker's Clerk
2023-12-05The Stock-Broker's ClerkArthur Conan DoyleShortly after my marriage I had bought a connection in the Paddington district. Old Mr. Farquhar, from w...
福尔摩斯-黄面人 The Yellow Face
2023-12-05The Yellow FaceArthur Conan Doyle[In publishing these short sketches based upon the numerous cases in which my companion's singular gifts have mad...
福尔摩斯-银色马 Silver Blaze
2023-12-05Silver BlazeArthur Conan DoyleI am afraid, Watson, that I shall have to go,” said Holmes, as we sat down together to our breakfast one morning.G...
福尔摩斯-铜山毛榉案 The Copper Beeches
2023-12-05The Adventure of the Copper BeechesArthur Conan DoyleTo the man who loves art for its own sake,” remarked Sherlock Holmes, tossing aside the adv...
福尔摩斯-绿玉皇冠案 The Beryl Coronet
2023-12-05The Adventure of the Beryl CoronetArthur Conan DoyleHolmes,” said I as I stood one morning in our bow-window looking down the street, here is a ...
福尔摩斯-单身贵族 The Noble Bachelor
2023-12-05The Adventure of the Noble BachelorArthur Conan DoyleThe Lord St. Simon marriage, and its curious termination, have long ceased to be a subject of int...
福尔摩斯-工程师大拇指案 The Engineer's Thumb
2023-12-05The Adventure of the Engineer's ThumbArthur Conan DoyleOf all the problems which have been submitted to my friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, for soluti...
福尔摩斯-带斑点带子 The Speckled Band
2023-12-05The Adventure of the Speckled BandThe Adventure of the Speckled BandArthur Conan DoyleOn glancing over my notes of the seventy odd cases in which I ha...