
  • 你抢到五一假期的票了吗?,五一假期第一天的火车票开售。不少热门方向的火车票手快有手慢无,瞬间秒没!Train tickets to some of the most popular destinations for this year's May Day holiday sold out t...

  • 也许你有过这种经历:在商店里试穿一件牛仔裤,想伸进兜里,却发现这是一个假口袋。为什么衣服会有这种看似无用的欺骗性设计?这要从17世纪说起。Clip-on ties. Fake button holes. Clothing can sometimes be a source of optical il...

  • 可口可乐首席执行官4月19日向美国消费者新闻与商业频道(CNBC)表示,该公司将提高饮料价格。The beverage company joins a number of other consumer giants, such as Kimberly-Clark and J.M. Smucker, ...

  • 4月22日是世界地球日,我们能为地球母亲做些什么呢?最简单的方式就是践行绿色生活,比如多吃蔬果,少用塑料,回收利用等等。如果每个人都做出小小行动,就能带来大大的改变。Conduct a plastic audit在地球日这天做一次塑料审计”EarthDay.org suggests th...

  • Four Efficient Ways to Improve Your Speech精通发言四大招数Use More Facial Expression多用面部表情One psychologist feels that our facial expression is responsible mor...

  • According to a new study by U.K. law firm Slater & Gordon, married couples are happiest in their third year of marriage.根据英国斯莱特-戈登律师事务所的一项研究结果显示,夫...

  • 1. Work smart.1. 聪明地工作。2. Work hard.2. 努力地工作。3. Develop a good sense of prioritization.3. 培养事务优先排序的良好意识。4. Learn to tune out distractions.4. 学会排除干扰。5....

  • 读书的重要性是不言而喻的,但是要如何选书,如何读书呢?不妨来看看名家关于读书的见解。1. READ BOOKS FROM ERAS PAST // ALBERT EINSTEIN爱因斯坦:读读过去的书Keeping up with current events and the latest buzz...

  • 关于读书,古往今来的饱学之士留下了许多名言隽语,今天是世界读书日”,为大家分享几则,愿大家每天都能与好书相伴。For out of olde feldes, as men seyth,Cometh al this newe corn fro yer to yere;And out of ...

  • What are the unique eating habits of thin people?瘦人有什么独特的饮食习惯?获得345.6k好评的回答@Charmaine de Jongh:These are the 3 of most important habits to keep your d...