
  • What Are Some Ways In Which You Can Maximise Your Learning Capabilities?如何最大化发挥你的学习能力?获得110好评的回答@Sanjay AbrahamRemember to study for knowledge and not...

  • 四月份科幻片云集,讲述外太空殖民的《太空异旅》、超级英雄女团”首度亮相的《雷霆女神》、以疫情后时代为背景的《地表惊旅》科幻迷们千万不要错过!Voyagers《太空异旅》In the near future, 30 young men and women are sent into spa...

  • 什么水果有益健康?来看看Quora上的精选回答。获得2.1k好评的回答@Kashif Jabbar:Grapefruit 西柚Besides being a good source of vitamins and minerals, it is known for its ability to ai...

  • 无论身在何方,思念和怀旧是一种普世情怀,世界上只要有华人的地方,每逢清明节人们就会按照传统习俗,在当地眺望故里,遥寄追念。【清明故事】Qing Ming or Thanksgiving?清明节源于感恩情怀Qingming is popularly associated with Jie Zidui ...

  • 4月3日晚,埃及首都开罗上演了一场史诗级盛大仪式——法老的金色游行”(The Pharaohs' Golden Parade)。仪式的主角是22具古埃及法老和王后木乃伊,一列金色车队将他们从始建于1858年的埃及国家博物馆转移至新建的埃及文明博物馆,电视和...

  • Write Your Own Life谱写生命的乐章Suppose someone gave you a pen - a sealed, solid-colored pen.假如有人送你一支笔,一支不可拆卸的单色钢笔.You couldn't see how much ink it had....

  • What are the best study tips ever?最好的学习窍门是什么?获得32.4k好评的回答@Avi Estrin:My friend was barely keeping up in class. If she kept going this way she would fa...

  • 今年日本的樱花开得比往年都要早,事实上,这是日本1200多年来最早的一次。专家指出,樱花开得越来越早预示着更严重的气候危机和生态危机。Think of Japan in the spring, and the image that comes to mind is likely the countr...

  • 原价一千五,炒到四万八,暴涨31倍!”近日,国产球鞋爆款涨价、缺货的消息多次登上热搜,引发热议。As the stances of some global sportswear brands - including Nike and Adidas - toward cotton grow...

  • Trump plans social media comeback特朗普将重返社交媒体Former US president Donald Trump is coming back to social media - but this time with his own network, a spo...