据俄驻华大使称,普京总统将于今日抵达厦门,出席金砖国家厦门峰会。希望中俄两国能够借金砖国家领导人厦门会晤进一步加强合作。 金砖合作建立在平等原则之上 普京在文章中说: 作为今年的金砖国家轮值主席国,中国的高效率工作使我们在政治、经济、人文等所有主要合作领域得以共同取得重要的进展。此外,金砖五国在世界上的地位也得到了显著的提升。 普京说: 重要的是,我们这个合作机制的活动,是建立在平等、尊重和顾及彼此的观点与共识的原则之上的。在金砖国家——没有任何人强加给别人任何事务。当立场不完全一致时,我们会进行耐心、细致的工作,拉近这些立场。这种公开、信任的氛围,有助于我们对既定任务的顺利落实。
普京说: 俄罗斯高度珍视金砖五国模式下形成的多方面协作。我们五国在国际舞台上的建设性合作,目的是建立公平的多极世界秩序,为所有国家创造平等的发展机会。 俄罗斯主张金砖国家采取更加紧密的外交协调政策,特别是在联合国和二十国集团以及其他国际机构当中。显然,只有联合所有国家的努力,才能确保世界的稳定,寻找到解决包括中东地区在内的激烈冲突的途径。 他说: 对于叙利亚以及其他国家和地区的恐怖分子应当继续给予打击。俄罗斯呼吁,不要只停留在口头上,应该在公认的国际法基础上、在联合国的核心作用下,真正着手建立一个广泛的反恐阵线。因此,在这方面,我们当然非常珍视来自金砖国家伙伴的支持和协助。 朝鲜半岛局势: 普京说: 近来,半岛局势加剧,在大规模冲突的边缘飘忽不定。俄罗斯认为,那种“只有通过对平壤施压才能制止朝鲜核导计划”的算计是错误的,也是没有前景的。应当在不提出任何前提条件的基础上,通过所有相关方进行直接对话的途径解决地区问题。挑衅、施压,以及好战和侮辱性的言辞——都是站不住脚的。 他说: 我们同中国同事一起制定了调解朝鲜半岛局势的“路线图”,目的是促使紧张局势得到阶段性的缓和,继而创建一个可靠的和平与安全机制。
普京说: 俄罗斯主张,扩大金砖国家在全球信息安全领域的合作。我们建议,共同制定相应的合作国际法框架,将来制定并采纳各国在该领域负责任的行为普适原则。我们迈出的重要一步,有可能就是签署金砖国家在国际信息安全领域的政府间协议。 厦门会晤将把金砖五国的协作 普京说: 大家记得,2015年,在俄罗斯的倡议下,在乌法会晤上通过并成功实施了《金砖国家经济伙伴战略》。我们期望在厦门即将举行的会晤上,在贸易、投资、生产合作领域,就新的大型合作目标展开讨论。 普京还就金砖国家在全球金融和经济架构、反对贸易保护主义、反垄断、能源研究、中小企业、妇女对话、科学技术、人文等领域合作阐述了俄方观点。 普京说: 俄罗斯主张在政治、经济、人文及其他领域深化金砖国家伙伴关系。我们愿与同仁们一道,在坚实的国际法基础上,进一步推动民主化进程,加强国际事务健康发展的原则。 普京对于此次厦门会晤充满期待: 我相信,厦门会晤将促进我们各国应对二十一世纪挑战的积极性,并将五国的协作提升到一个全新的水平。 以下是普京署名文章《金砖国家——开启战略伙伴关系的新视野》中英双语全文。 BRICS: Towards new horizons of strategic partnership By Vladimir Putin The 9th BRICS Summit will be held in Xiamen, China, on September 4 and 5. I consider it important in this regard to present Russia’s approaches to cooperation within the framework of this large and respected association and to share my views on the future of our further cooperation. I would like to begin by expressing our appreciation of China’s significant contribution as this year’s chair of the organisation, which has allowed the BRICS countries as a group to move forward in all the key areas of our partnership, including politics, the economy and culture. Moreover, the group of five has greatly strengthened its global standing. It is important that our group’s activities are based on the principles of equality, respect for one another’s opinions and consensus. Within BRICS, nothing is ever forced on anyone. When the approaches of its members do not coincide, we work patiently and carefully to coordinate them. This open and trust-based atmosphere is conducive to the successful implementation of our tasks. Russia highly values the multifaceted cooperation that has developed within BRICS. Our countries’ constructive cooperation on the international arena is aimed at creating a fair multipolar world and equal development conditions for all. Russia stands for closer coordination of the BRICS countries’ foreign policies, primarily at the UN and G20, as well as other international organisations. It is clear that only the combined efforts of all countries can help bring about global stability and find solutions to many acute conflicts, including those in the Middle East. I would like to say that it was largely thanks to the efforts of Russia and other concerned countries that conditions have been created to improve the situation in Syria. We have delivered a powerful blow to the terrorists and laid the groundwork for launching the movement towards a political settlement and the return of the Syrian people to peace. However, the fight against terrorists in Syria and other countries and regions must continue. Russia calls for going over from debates to the practical creation of a broad counterterrorism front based on international law and led by the UN. Naturally, we highly appreciate the support and assistance of our BRICS partners in this respect. I have to say a few words about the situation on the Korean Peninsula, where tensions have grown recently and the situation is balancing on the brink of a large-scale conflict. Russia believes that the policy of putting pressure on Pyongyang to stop its nuclear missile programme is misguided and futile. The region’s problems should only be settled through a direct dialogue of all the parties concerned without any preconditions. Provocations, pressure and militarist and insulting rhetoric are a dead-end road. Russia and China have created a roadmap for a settlement on the Korean Peninsula that is designed to promote the gradual easing of tensions and the creation of a mechanism for lasting peace and security. Russia also calls for promoting the interaction of the BRICS countries in the area of global information security. We propose joining our efforts to create a legal basis for cooperation and subsequently to draft and adopt universal rules of responsible behaviour of states in this sphere. A major step towards this goal would be the signing of an intergovernmental BRICS agreement on international information security. I would like to point out that on Russia’s initiative a BRICS Strategy for Economic Partnership was adopted at the Ufa Summit in 2015 and is being successfully implemented. We hope to be able to discuss new large-scale cooperation tasks in trade and investment and industrial cooperation at the Xiamen Summit. Russia is interested in promoting economic cooperation within the BRICS format. Considerable practical achievements have been recently reported in this area, primarily the launch of the New Development Bank (NDB). It has approved seven investment projects in the BRICS countries worth around $1.5 billion. This year, the NDB is to approve a second package of investment projects worth $2.5-$3 billion in total. I am convinced that their implementation will not only be a boost to our economies but will also promote integration between our countries. Russia shares the BRICS countries’ concerns over the unfairness of the global financial and economic architecture, which does not give due regard to the growing weight of the emerging economies. We are ready to work together with our partners to promote international financial regulation reforms and to overcome the excessive domination of the limited number of reserve currencies. We will also work towards a more balanced distribution of quotas and voting shares within the IMF and the World Bank. I am confident that the BRICS countries will continue to act in a consolidated manner against protectionism and new barriers in global trade. We value the BRICS countries’ consensus on this issue, which allows us to more consistently advocate the foundations of an open, equal and mutually beneficial multilateral trade system and to strengthen the role of the WTO as the key regulator in international trade. Russia’s initiative on the development of cooperation among the BRICS countries’ antimonopoly agencies is aimed at creating effective mechanisms to encourage healthy competition. The goal is to create a package of cooperation measures to work against the restrictive business practices of large multinational corporations and trans-border violations of competition rules. I would like to draw your attention to Russia’s initiative on the establishment of a BRICS Energy Research Platform. We believe that this would enable us to coordinate our information, analysis and research activities in the interests of the five BRICS countries and would ultimately facilitate the implementation of joint energy investment projects. Another priority is to build up our cooperation in the area of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). We believe that we should integrate the national SMEs’ online resources for placing crosslinks and other commercial information and for exchanging data on reliable partners. Russia is advocating the Women and the Economy public-private dialogue. This initiative provides for holding regular debates by members of the BRICS countries’ business and expert communities, women’s associations and government agencies. The first such meeting was held in Novosibirsk on July 4, 2017, on the sidelines of the First International Women’s Congress of the SCO and BRICS Member States. Another related idea is to create a BRICS Women’s Business Club as a network of professional interaction between women in business through a specialised online information resource. Our other priorities include cooperation in science, technology, innovations and cutting edge medicine. Our countries have a big potential in this respect that comprises a solid and mutually complementary research base, unique technical achievements, skilled personnel and huge markets for science-intensive products. We propose discussing at the upcoming summit a package of measures to reduce the threat of infectious diseases and to create new medicines to prevent and fight epidemics. I believe our cooperation in the humanitarian sphere has excellent prospects. While working to implement the BRICS Intergovernmental Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Culture, we hope that our partners will take part in the New Wave and New Wave Junior international contests of young pop singers. We have also advanced the initiative to create a joint television network of the BRICS countries. Russia stands for strengthening the BRICS countries’ partnership in politics, the economy, culture and other areas. We are ready to continue working jointly with our colleagues to promote democracy and to strengthen the healthy elements of international relations based firmly on international law. I am convinced that the Xiamen Summit will help invigorate our countries’ efforts towards finding solutions to the challenges of the 21st century and will propel cooperation within BRICS to a higher level. I wholeheartedly wish health and success to all people in the BRICS countries. |