
  • Google has been adding its own logo to the Gboard keyboard on Android phones, and the results are not pretty.谷歌把自己的logo加到了安卓手机的谷歌键盘上,结果不尽人意。As 9to5Goo...

  • Who hasn't dreamt of escaping to the stars? Especially now, with most of us confined to limited spaces and steeped in tragic news.谁不曾梦想过逃到星星上去?尤其是...

  • 近日,随着未成年性侵案再次引起热议,一则纯英文话题登上热搜榜。什么是trigger warning?它为什么能成为热点话题呢?我们先来了解trigger warning的含义。相信大家有不少这样的经历:在看视频或者文字的时候,经常会出现高能预警”这样的提示。前方高能,大波表情包来袭!前方...

  • 随着新冠肺炎疫情形势逐步好转,意大利和西班牙等一些欧洲国家正逐步取消封锁措施,学校和部分商店也重新开放。Italy 意大利Italy—which has witnessed the second highest number of COVID-19 deaths after the Un...

  • When life changes, people buy different things. And we are seeing some interesting trends in what people are buying online during the extended quarant...

  • The coronavirus pandemic has taken a hit at emojis.新冠疫情影响了emoji。The Unicode Consortium, a non-profit that oversees emoji standards and is responsible ...

  • 新冠肺炎疫情期间,国际空间站三名宇航员首次安全返航,但发现地球与他们离开时相比,已变成截然不同的世界。迎接他们的是戴着口罩和手套的工作人员,而且他们还被要求与他人保持安全距离。Two NASA astronauts and a Russian cosmonaut on Friday made a s...

  • 封锁禁令没解除,婚姻登记机构不开门,可就是想跟另一半结婚怎么办?纽约州州长的答复是:在网上结!纽约州新颁布的行政令允许人们在网上通过视频来远程登记结婚。New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed an order allowing online marriag...

  • Diversify, Especially If You Don't Know What You Are Doing!一定要保持多样化,尤其是在你不知道自己在做什么时!In the words of famed e conomist John Maynard Keynes, diversif...

  • Parkin and Bade's text Economics gives the following definition of the business cycle:在帕金和巴德的经济学教材中,对商业周期给出了以下定义:"The business cycle is the p...